Windows Vista News

Windows Vista is a new operating system available from Microsoft. Vista offers enhanced security, including built-in spyware protection (Windows Defender), better Microsoft update integration, improved user access controls, integrated Desktop Search, and a new user interface.
Microsoft will release Windows Vista to home users on January 30th, 2007. Windows Vista was released to businesses in November 2006. However, experts recommend at least 12 months of planning before a deployment.
Vista will require significant testing to ensure compatibility with all campus systems. iCIT is currently evaluating the new operating system and developing plans to begin upgrading campus computers in Spring 2008. Even then, it is expected that Vista will be deployed on new systems and reimages rather than all at once.

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New Generation of Microsoft Products.

In the coming year, the UWW campus will experience an influx of new software product offerings from Microsoft. These new products will provide a variety of enhancements to the software many of us use daily on our computers, as well as present significant changes in how these products look and how you use them. These new products include a new Microsoft operating system (Windows Vista), a new version of Microsoft Office (Office 2007) and a new version of Microsoft Exchange Mail/Calendar system.

iCIT is currently evaluating these products and learning about the environment they use. Vista and Office 2007 will be rolled out concurrently after completing analysis, planning and training campus users.

In the meantime, iCIT staff are working to identify old versions of operating systems and upgrading them to Windows XP in order to prepare for future upgrades.