Welcome Joe Koeberl

Please welcome Network Cable Technician Joe Koeberl to the ICIT team! His first day was Monday, June 15th. Joe will support the A/V and NOC teams by installing, maintaining, and repairing cabling infrastructure used for the campus audio, video, and data networks.

Joe comes to UW-Whitewater from the Wisconsin Department of Administration, where he was in a similar role supporting and installing cabling infrastructure in various state-owned buildings in the Madison area. Once again, welcome Joe and enjoy the shorter commute!


                         Joe Koeberl                                                                                                    

office: L1223 | email: koeberlj@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-7773

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • As the network cable technician, I’ll be supporting and installing cabling infrastructure

Something people don’t know about you?

  • Father of four children, grandfather of one.

Favorite hobby?

  • Golf/Garden/Home repair

What was your first job?

  • Paperboy

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • The computer: Google is a great learning source

Music genre?

  • All, but 80’s rock is my favorite

Favorite vacation?

  • A cruise to Alaska

Favorite food?

  • Seafood (shellfish)

Least favorite food?

  • Liver & onions

Biggest fear?

  • An unnamed politician will be re-elected.

Project communications

As many of you know, there is a bi-monthly Stage Gate meeting to review project proposals submitted by ICIT team members where they are either approved, rejected, or placed on hold. We will be using Uptimes to share the outcomes of the Stage Gate meetings, as a means to keep everyone informed on upcoming projects.

Also, each week at the Management Team meeting, the current status of many ICIT projects are reviewed. While all of the information is already at your fingertips in Eclipse, Stacy creates nice clean spreadsheet that provides a high level overview of many projects, we’ll be sharing those as well on a regular basis as well.

Stage Gate Meeting – 5/29/2015


Driver: infrastructure integrity 
Approach Goals: timeline, low resources

Exchange 2013 Migration – Phase one (On Prem)Approved 

Closet Cleaning

Driver: streamlining of services
Approach Goals: reduce negative impact on customers, low cost

No projects


Driver: minimize risk
Approach Goals: lowest cost, timeline

No projects

Strategic Driver:

Driver: alignment, value
Approach Goals: position for future, sustainability 

Lyris Upgrade – Approved

Weekly Project Summary: 6/8/2015 Project Summary

Baby Albers!

Congratulations to Matt Albers and family, they recently welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world. ICIT, meet Alice Caroline.

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A reason to celebrate

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes good times in AIS! Developer Brittany Clark got married on May 9th (Congratulations!), and upon return from her the AIS team threw a celebratory shindig for her.

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