Welcome Jason Dirden

ICIT, please be sure to give a warm welcome to Jason Dirden on Tuesday (September 6), his first day in the office. Jason will focus on achieving the performance goals we established for the Help Desk during the last year:

  • Increasing the rate of issue resolutions at Tier 1
  • Reducing the amount of time tickets are open
  • Improving the ticket escalation process
  • Enhancing the overall quality of troubleshooting

Jason comes to us from a Help Desk leadership position at Brookdale Senior Living Solutions in Milwaukee, where he managed a team of 15 full-time technicians in a company with more than 15,000 employees. Lilly Berhane will continue to focus on the Help Desk student workforce needs, such as student recruitment and scheduling, along with providing analytics on performance and customer feedback.

Welcome Julie Lazzeroni

ICIT, please welcome our new technology purchasing agent, Julie Lazzeroni. Julie will facilitate hardware and software purchasing for the university, and coordinate the financial aspects of the procurements.

Julie spent more than a decade working on the financial side of the City of Delevan’s Water & Sewer Commission, and has extensive experience  with  billing and financial transactions. Her first day in the office was August 17.

office: L2003E | email: lazzeroj@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-7796

Baby Kan!

Congratulation Elliot Kan on the new son! Jameson Alan was born July 7, and weighed in at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. That’s Jameson below, with big brother Nicholas. Pretty. Darn. Adorable.

Jameson Alan

Save the Date: Employee Benefits Fair

October 19, 2016
University Center
Hamilton Room (UC 164)

  • More than 30 benefit providers will be on hand
  • Meet ETF Representatives to discuss your state retirement benefits
  • Learn  more about available health, vision and dental plans
  • Door Prizes

Benefits Flyer 16