David Ward Resigns from iCIT

David Ward, Systems Development Specialist, Administrative Information Services (AIS), has resigned from his position with iCIT to take a position with UW-Madison Division of Information Technology (DoIT).  In his new job, David will work in the Shared Financial Services area of DoIT.  

Since joining iCIT in 1995, David has been a key contributor to many of the AIS team successes, particularly in the Financial Aid area.  He implemented several key processes that have allowed Financial Aid (FA) office to reduce or eliminate their manual processes.  A further testimonial to his hard work was evident from the numerous requests we received from UW-System campuses and other universities to share the systems he had developed. 

As a highlight of his career at UW-Whitewater, David designed, developed and implemented a custom Scholarship application which automated manual submission of scholarship applications for the entire campus. The automation has saved the university hundreds of hours of manual work that would have been used to process these applications. Since we implemented this project at the end of March, the system has processed approximately 500 applications and the number is ever growing.

David’s last day in iCIT was Friday, June 8th.  We thank David for his many years of dedicated service to UW-Whitewater iCIT and AIS, and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

Organizational Updates: Web and AIS Teams

Reporting structure change:  Effective May 9, the iCIT Web Team now reports to Anand Vangipuram, AIS Manager.  Anand’s background in development and management will be an asset to the team.  He will leverage common project management practices, development and applications tools,  and data dependencies to create synergies between the AIS and Web teams. Thanks go to Kent Steinike, who has provided management support and guidance for this group during a transition period over the last year.

Welcome new employees:  

Lydia Statz will join the iCIT Web team as Web Content Writer, contributing content for sites launching in the new CMS, and supporting other website projects.  Lydia recently graduated from UW-Madison with a degree Journalism and International Studies. Lydia’s first day will be Tuesday, May 29. 

iCIT also would like to welcome Brittany Clark, a UW-Whitewater senior, to the AIS team as a Developer.  Brittany will be working on various AIS projects.  Her first day will be Tuesday, May 29.

Please join us in welcoming Lydia and Brittany to iCIT.

Brett Cook to Resign from iCIT

Brett Cook has announced he will be leaving UW-Whitewater iCIT to join the Department of Children & Families in Madison, in the position of Workstation Support Team Lead.  Brett’s last day at UW-Whitewater will be Friday, June 1. 

Brett joined iCIT as a UW-Whitewater student.  After graduating in 2004, he began working full-time in the Instructional Services area, supporting the computing needs of labs and classrooms.   Since that time, Brett has held several roles in Labs and Classrooms, A/V Services and Workstation Management.  Under his leadership, iCIT successfully upgraded to current versions of a workstation management tool (Zenworks), and current operating system (Windows 7) – both were multi-year projects.  Brett made lasting contributions toward the long-term strategy of standardization and consolidation of workstation management across all campus.    And last but not least, Brett has been a key contributor to introducing VDI technology to the lab environment on campus.  

We thank Brett for his many years of dedicated service to the University and to iCIT.  We wish him the best of luck in all future endeavors.

Classroom Technology Technician – Job Posted

A position was recently posted for Classroom Technology Technician, and iCIT is actively recruiting.  This position is responsible for a multi-year project to install the audio-visual and touch panel control equipment in classrooms and instructional facilities at UW-Whitewater. The person in this position will participate in upcoming classroom remodeling and upgrade projects funded by grants and the academic colleges. In addition, the person will be responsible for maintaining the ongoing operation of the classroom equipment.

This position reports to Sara Deschner, Assistant Director – Instructional Facilities.   If you would like more information,  contact Sara or the Human Resources department.  If you know of individuals who may be qualified for the position, please share this information.  Thank you.

Annette Guye-Kordus to Resign from iCIT

Annette Guye-Kordus, Communications Specialist, announced her resignation from iCIT.   Annette’s last day will be Friday, May 25.  

Annette joined UW-Whitewater in spring 2010.  During her time in iCIT, she planned the departmental meetings and events, including Divisional Meetings, Plan It Purple orientation events and the annual Technology Open House.   As part of the iCIT management team, she developed campus communications related to IT news and initiatives, new programs and promotions.  In the last year, she oversaw efforts to formalize roll-out communications and provided management support to the staff training program. 

Annette will be taking a position on the communications team at Aurora Health Care.  We wish her the best in her future endeavors.