Welcome Tarin Lintemuth

Please welcome tier 2 technician Tarin Lintemuth to the ICIT team, her first day was Monday, April 6th. Tarin will work closely with the Helpdesk to provide technology support to the campus, and due to her diverse skillset, Tarin will work in a hybrid role that will include Helpdesk staff training. She has more than eight years of experience working in multiple private sector tech support and IT-related positions. She also holds multiple certifications including A+, Network+, and Microsoft Desktop Support. Tarin is a Michigan native and a graduate of Grand Valley State University.



office: L2003C | email: lintemut@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-7024

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I am a desktop support administrator. My role at ICIT will be to focus a lot on training, finding good ways to keep us up to date on any new changes and developing a knowledgebase of documented materials.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • I live on an alpaca farm with: 8 alpacas, 1llama, 3 goats, 6 chickens, 2 roosters, 2 bunnies, 6 cats, 1 dog and a hedgehog

Favorite hobby?

  • Playing pranks

What was your first job?

  • Cleared tables at a restaurant – it was glamorous

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • My phone

Music genre?

  • I like most music types. Usually though, I listen to today’s hits

Favorite vacation?

  • When my brother got married in Vegas and about 30 of us all went

Favorite food?

Least favorite food?

  • Ham

Biggest fear?

Retirement Announcement – Ken Bothun

After 21 years of service, Ken Bothun is retiring from UW-Whitewater. His last day on campus will be April 17th. Ken has dedicated much of his life to UW-Whitewater, along with his professional tenure, he is also a Warhawk alumni having earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees here.

Ken began working for the department now known as ICIT as a graduate student in February of 1994. Since then, he has held multiple titles and served in many roles including helpdesk manager and special projects coordinator.

In retirement, Ken plans to take a more active role in his church and continue teaching one day per week. ICIT would like to thank Ken for all his years of service to the department and campus.

ICIT Welcomes New Intern

ICIT is pleased to welcome Human Resources intern Rachel Martin to the team! Today is her first day with the department. Her duties will include helping develop and post  job ads, providing support during the candidate screening process, and assisting with administrative duties. Her desk is located in Andersen Library, L2008 (the copy room across from the ICIT office) and she will be in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through the remainder of the semester.

Rachel is a senior from Stratford, WI majoring in Human Resources Management, she is on track to graduate in December of 2015. From there, she plans to pursue a career in Human Resources.

Welcome Ashlynn Mitchell

A familiar face has joined the ICIT team. Former intern Ashlynn Mitchell is now a Business Analyst in the AIS department. Ashlynn interned last fall in the Project Management Office, where she helped implement the Eclipse Project Management System. She then graduated from UW-Whitewater in December with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and a music minor. She is now back on campus again, this time as a full time employee.

Ashlynn’s duties will include collaborating with ICIT team members, tech liaisons, and other campus representatives in the planning, development, and deployment of new applications, and enhancements to existing applications. Ashlynn’s first day was Monday March 23rd, and she will report to Anand Vangipuram. Please join in welcoming Ashlynn to our team.

Spotlight                                                                                                                                  Ashlynn

office: L1015 | email: MitchellAJ02@uww.edu | phone: 262-472-TBD

What do you do? – explain how you fit into ICIT

  • I will be helping with the reporting and documenting of projects. I will also be the go-between person for IT team members and those outside of IT while implementing some new software.

Something people don’t know about you?

  • I’ve never had one favorite color – I like to use all the colors.

Favorite hobby?

  • I like to garden. I especially like the part where you get to eat.

What was your first job?

  • My first job was teaching piano, which I started doing regularly in 2007.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

  • The smartphone!  Because I just got one after graduating.

Music genre?

  • I like to listen to many different types of music; I like to play classical piano.

Favorite vacation?

  • My favorite family vacation was going to out west to Yellowstone National Park when I was about 12. It was beautiful! My favorite place I’ve been to, though, is Costa Rica, where I went to a Spanish language school last summer.

Favorite food?

  • I really like food, and I cannot pick a favorite. Pretty much anything like homemade is my favorite. I like to cook.

Least favorite food?

  • Raw sushi.  I think.  I actually don’t know if I’ve had raw sushi, but I can’t get past the idea.  I do not like my meats too rare.  I do like to try new foods though.

Biggest fear?

  •  Heights. By heights, I mean six feet and beyond.