• beginners guide

    8 Benefits of Yoga

    Yoga has so many health benefits. Many people are constantly searching for ways to cut back on medicines and chemicals to make them feel better. There are so many ways to naturally heal your body. Yoga is a great way that many find helps them with finding natural releif. Yoga improves balance, flexibility and strength. Yoga relieves stress Yoga can reduce anxiety Yoga can improve moods and create a more clear headspace Yoga connects you to your inner self Yoga can create more energy Yoga can relieve body aches, such as neck and mack pain Yoga can relieve arthritis symptoms Although there are a lot of benefits listed above, there…

  • beginners guide

    Yoga for Natural Healing

    Today in the United States, people are turning away from the harsh treatments and chemicals that they put in their bodies. MAny people are looking for natural ways to heal themselves. This is so amazing because I have found that taking care of your body and giving it what it needs helps to heal your mental health and can even help heal your body. Yoga has helped so many people feel better mentally and physically. An amazing example of this is how retired football players have begun to practice yoga. Many former NFL players suffer from CTE which can lead to depression. Along with the mental pain, their bodies are…

  • beginners guide

    Yoga as a Natural Anxiety Relief

    As someone that has struggled with anxiety for many years, I have found that the natural remedies seem to always be more beneficial for me than the pharmaceutical route. Every one is different, but this could be helpful for you. I started doing yoga as a way to help relieve my anxiety. There are tons of yoga practices specifically targeted to relieve anxiety. A common natural remedy for anxiety is to get moving and stay active. Yoga is perfect for this because it is also a very relaxing way of being active and getting your blood flowing. The practice of Asana Yoga poses can help to relieve the physical discomfort…