[proverbs 6:23]

proverbs 623‘For sound advice is a beacon,
good teaching is a light,

moral discipline is a life path.’
[Proverbs 6:23]

I figured this would be a good way to start a blog titled ‘The Beacon’, that I should probably explain the title. When searching for a title for this blog, I came across a couple of good options, and thankfully I have some wonderful friends that helped me narrow it down to this particular one. I am quite pleased with this title now though. I truly hope to make this blog sound advice for anyone reading. Advice not from me–but from God. I hope that He will use me to speak to you. I’ve never been the type to desire to do a blog, but I know so many blogs out there are just incredible and inspiring and they are beacons to me.

I’m really hoping to be that beacon of sound advice to anyone who decides to read this. I want to model my life after this verse. However, I know that truly the sound advice, good teaching, and moral disciplines all come from Him. I’ve been doing my Bible readings lately (attempting to read through the Bible in a year), and the teachings in them have really been a light to me. I’m receiving true, hard advice for everyday living. In a book written thousands of years ago. That’s incredible though, right? It blows my mind. And the last part of that verse…’moral discipline’. That may sound like such a boring concept to some people, but it is something that completely guides the way I live each and every day. He gives us lessons and disciplines that encourage us to walk with Him and help us to grow closer to those around us. People are always wanting a guidebook for life, right? Well, this is it. Pick it up. Read something. He’ll speak to you. I guarantee it.

Thanks for hanging out with me for a bit, guys. Sorry this is rough. Still trying to figure out what I want to say (and how I want to say it), and kind of just trying to let Him speak through me. Hopefully it will only get better; thanks for giving me a chance.

with love,

erinn victoria

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