‘king of glory (you restored my soul)’

‘I know a place where I can find You:
here in the valley of shadows.
Give me eyes to see where You’re leading me.

I know a place where I can feel You:
Here in the freedom of forgiveness.
Give me strength to hold fast to what I know.’


Well, this song truly speaks to me at this point in time and maybe it will for you too. While it’s okay to ask for Him to reveal to you where He’s leading, we also need to trust that He will not steer us wrong no matter what. So, trust Him. I love that second stanza too. We can feel Him in the freedom of forgiveness. He forgives us. Always. No matter what. That’s an incredible, insane thought, and it’s wonderful. We also need to pray that He would give us the strength to stand by what we know through Him–no matter what opposition we face. Easier said than done, I know.

‘You restore my soul.
I’m Yours alone…
When dark gives way to light,
Your hope will rise, oh King of Glory.’

He restores our souls. He desires to give us peace and rest and He wants what’s the absolute best for us. I love that. We don’t know what’s best for us. We stumble through life tending to seek what we want, because- well, because we’re human. But we should to align our hearts, will, and desires with His. Because He knows what’s best for us and desires it as well. Trust Him with all your being. I know it’s insanely difficult, but I can only believe that it will reap the best benefits.

‘Give me faith to stand strong in this rushing wind…

Surely goodness and mercy follow me every moment I dwell with You.’

We face opposition ALL the time. We need to increase our faith and stand strong no matter what, as stated above.

When we spend time in His presence, nothing but goodness comes from that. Dwell in His presence. Spend quality time with the Creator of the Universe–because we’re able to do that and why would we not, then??? Time with Him is time well spent.

I know that was basically just some thoughts on lyrics from a song, but that’s about all I’ve got right now. This will most likely be my last post, but I want to thank any of you who have been reading along and following my journey through this blog. Thanks for allowing me to share my random thoughts and what God’s been teaching me. My prayers are with you, and I hope you’ll be praying for me as well. We could all stand for a little extra prayer and support in our corner. Thanks guys.


erinn victoria

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