How to Pick Your Perfect Board
You have just decided you want to take a trip to the mountains and snowboard. Congratulations, you are about to have the time of your life. To make sure your time is as enjoyable as possible you follow the following steps as well as future steps in posts to come.
The first step you should do when planning for this trip is to rely on your past. Have you ever skateboarded or longboarded? I have found having past experience with both allows someone to pick up snowboarding easier, it also leads to deciding what kind of board you should choose. Having familiarity with balance is also important and doing some exercises right now can only help you.
To choose a board you must decide between regular and goofy. Regular is having your left foot be the forward foot or the foot that leads you down the hill. Goofy is having your right foot forward. This is exactly like how you skateboard and longboard, so those with experience should know what is comfortable for them. If you are new, the rule of thumb is if you are right-handed, you would be more comfortable with the left foot forward and vice versa. Don’t worry, if you want to switch it up you can always go to any shop to do so. These are steps any rental service will provide you. To make sure your board is easy to control and navigate you would want to make the boots you get with it are snug, not tight but not loose. You will now have a board, get familiar with it, and carry it around. You will be carrying this with you all day and possibly for miles.
Follow up next Thursday at 19:00 for the next tip in preparing for the trip of a lifetime and have a great night!