America's Effort, Global Impact, Individual Change

Plastic Free Aisles

Let’s be Plastic-Free!

If you haven’t heard the rage about plastic free products, you might be living under a rock! I am just kidding! Let me tell you!

Image result for plastic in our oceans

A lot of the products we produce are sold in plastic packages. This is a problem because plastic is ending up in our oceans and our environment! We need to do away with plastic things! 300 million tons of plastic are produced globally but only 12% are being recycled. Where does that leave the 88%? Something has to be done.

Supermarkets are now being urged to have plastic free aisles! This helps prevents tons of waste that is already effecting our Earth! Image result for plastic free aisle

Supermarkets including Tesco, Waitrose and Sainsbury’s said they would respond to the proposals once discussions with campaigners had taken place. I have also seen activists going into local super markets with their team. What ever they purchase, they take the plastic off with it and the purchase it.

Sarah Knapton from the telegraph news for science stats, “We have more choice than ever for everything. There are countless gluten-free, organic or kosha aisles, and yet we have absolutely no choice about buying food that is packaged in plastic.” Image result for plastic free aisle

It is true. How can you expect us to take part of this movement if there is way we could? Our only option right now is to buy plastic things. We must provide plastic free aisles to the public and then see the change happen!

She always tells us, “It is a double whammy problem because not only does it make us feel guilty about all this packaging we are using, but science is starting to show us that wrapping food in plastic can bring health problems.”Image result for no more plastic

If that doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will. Plastics are destroying our health and our home!



*Check out the link below to see a video of the first plastic free store! 

Individual Change

Environmentally Friendly Razors!

Safety Razors!

Two billion razors are thrown away each year! This is something we don’t often think about! There is actually a razor out there that is good for the environment that already exist…SAFETY RAZORS!

Before I get into that…the two common razors that people use:

The first kind is the razor that has one set of blades on them. After a week or two of using this razor, you throw it away. And let’s be honest. Do we really get the close shave that we want. I always end up with cuts on my leg from razors like theses.

Image result for razors

The other kind is a razor that comes with about two to three replaceable razors. After you use up all the razors you throw them out. These razors never seem to get a close enough shave either. Plus their expensive!

Image result for razorsImage result for razors


The important thing to take away is RAZORS ARE NOT RECYCLABLE! That’s right, every time you throw away a razor it is ending up in landfills. Think about how many of these razors you use in a year!! Don’t worry the solution already exists! Safety Razors will be the last purchase you’ll ever make on a razor!

Image result for razors

People are raving that:

  1. They are getting a closer shave
  2. No more dots on their legs
  3. Safe to leave in shower
  4. Their saving money
  5. Their helping the environment

What you need to do:

Make a one time purchase of about $20 (sometimes less) and buy a Safety Razor!

For only $12, you can get 100 blades too! (This will last you for years!) You do the math of those savings!

All you do with the uses razors is out them in a can to recycle them. The company ASTRA takes care of it and reuses the materials.

The cost upfront is a bit more than a traditional razor but in the long run you will be saving money and the Earth! Think about how many disposable razors you throw away, every time your spending $10-$20…that adds up really quick! Again think about how many disposable razors you have thrown away in your lifetime, they are all sitting in a landfill as we speak.

Be the change and make the switch! Remember… small changes make a big difference!


*Check out this video below-they give you some good tips towards the end of the video of how to use a safety razor!

Safety Razors

The safety razor is the eco-friendly shaving tool we didn't know we needed.

Posted by We Need This on Tuesday, April 10, 2018