
Why You Should Save?

You may be asking, “what’s the whole point of saving when I want to do/buy stuff now?” It’s a valid question. Hopefully, you’ll be making money every week and don’t have to worry about getting behind on rent or other bills. However, that thought can and might be in the back of your mind. You don’t want to think about a day that you’ll loose your job, but you may have a day that you need a nesting fund. You could get in a accident, have your dishwasher go out, need to repair your car, the situations are endless.

However, not every situation will be a negative one. You may want to see your favorite band in concert, want a new pair of shoes, go on a weekend getaway with friends. You want to have that money readitly available to you for when you really need it.

What I am trying to say here is that you want to have some form of savings for both the good and bad “what if” situations. For some people, this could be a couple hundred, or even a couple thousand, but something is better than nothing.

I went on a spring break trip with a group of friends, and the trip overall was only about $400 per person, but that was still a chunk of money. With how I have saved over the years, I was comfortable dropping that money to go on an exciting trip to New Orleans. Now, obviously all of my friends could afford it too, otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone. However, I know some of them mentioned they wanted a cheap trip, otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to go.

Saving can be hard for some people, but at the end of the day, it is something everyone should do. Shit happens and last minute activities come. You should feel comfortable with you money situation to deal with either of them being thrown at you.

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