Forhad is a third semester RA in Wells East 7th floor. He is senior with a Fiance major.

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Favorite Sport: Cricket
Favorite Sports team: Bangladesh National Cricket Team
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Dining Hall: UNO’s
Dream job: Financial Analyst
What I see myself doing in five years: Analyzing financial performance of a company and being a Financial Manager
Favorite Quote: “Let’s go invent tomorrow rather than worrying about what happened yesterday.”
Why did you become an RA?: I am an RA for couple of reasons. Developing a positive community was first of all. Secondly, I wanted to help the residents, because I know how how difficult it is for someone to adjust in a new environment. I wanted to be a helping hand for the all the problems the residents face. And on top of everything, I wanted to be a role model for my residents.
What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: I love to meet new people. I love to see how people think differently in a specific situation.
What else are you involved in?: I am treasurer of International Student Association(ISA)
Piece of advice for other RA’s: Help your resident with a smiley face, smile does not cost anything.
Happy moment for me: Every day when I go to bed and think about what I did today. It makes me happy if I see that somebody solved any of their problem by the help of me.

Keep up the great work, Forhad!