Belle Eykmans is the 1st floor RA in Fox Meadows. She is a fourth semester RA with a Health Communication major.


Favorite Sport: Volleyball
Favorite Sports team: The Packers
Favorite Band: OneRepublic
Favorite Dining Hall: Graham Street
Dream job: Pop Sensation or Storm chaser
What I see myself doing in five years: I hope to be out of my parents house, just starting my second job within the health communication field, and have made the decision to go back to grad school or not.
Favorite Quote: Regret Nothing
Why did you become an RA?: I had such a positive experience with my RA’s as a freshman and sophomore. I wanted to make a difference in the lives of my residents the way my RA’s did for me.
What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: I love interacting with residents and breaking them out of their shell to be an active piece of the floor community.
What else are you involved in?: Choir and volleyball intramurals
Piece of advice for other RA’s: Utilize your staff members and don’t give up when things get tough. There is so much that is learned through this position and sometimes you have to deal with some challenging situations to learn those things. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Most importantly though, don’t forget to have fun with the job! It’s so easy to have fun!
Best story so far: At the end of the year last year, a resident of mine wrote me a letter telling me how big of an impact I had on her life in ways that I had no idea I had. This made me realize that even taking a little extra time to talk to some people truly means a lot to them in ways we may not realize.
Any extra Reslife Involvement?: I had the pleasure of working as Donna Lyons’ assistant during the summer of 2014 and getting to assist the pro staff with a few projects here and there on the job.
Anything else?: I just want to thank all of my fellow RA’s and all the pro staff for being part of my life changing experience as an RA. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of the wonderful people I’ve met along the way!