Favorite Bags
Handbags are my weakness. Anytime I find a great deal on a bag that I love, I tend to buy it, which is how I have ended up with more bags than I need. Many of the bags do not get as much love or use as others do. So today, I am going to be discussing my top used bags and revealing the one bag that I regret buying.
- My everyday bag right now is a backpack. I recently purchased a backpack from Rebecca Minkoff, which I have been using everyday since I got it. It is the perfect bag to use on a daily basis because it fits all of my items and still has room for more. The bag has one large zipper compartment in the center and then two smaller pockets on the side.
- Another one of my most used bags is a bucket bag. The bucket bag that I own also fits all of my essentials, but does not appear bulky. This bag has a magnetic closure, making it easy to get items in and out of the bag, which perfect for running errands.
- The next bag I use the most is my nylon tote from Longchamp. This bag is really durable because it is made out of nylon. But the leather handles and accents really dress the bag up. This bag is like a bottomless pit, and can fit many items, which makes it perfect for days when I need to carry a lot with me.
- And my least used bag is from Tory Burch. This bag from Tory Burch is extremely structured, which makes it hard to fit all of my essentials in. Even though the bag has a crossbody strap, due to the shape of the bag, it is really awkward and bulky to wear crossbody.
One Comment
Sara Mentz
I love bags as well, but I never seem to buy them until I need them. Those looked like some really cute ones and I’m sorry to hear about the last bag. Maybe you could sell it to someone who would like a structured bag. Awesome post!