Is the change worth it?
Hello everyone! Welcome back! I want to talk about something that I mentioned in my very first blog post! I told you guys why I became passionate about starting this blog, and how I got to the point of loving living a healthy lifestyle! In this blog post, I want to show you guys WHY the change is SO WORTH IT!!!! This post is a bit vulnerable, but I think it is important to share!
Making a change isn’t easy at all! It takes a lot of mental and physical strength, but the results have been so worth it!! Below I am going to show you my weight loss photos! I have never posted these anywhere before, so I am a little nervous to share, but I think they’re valuable in showing how the little changes you make can really make a difference! I weigh over 50 lbs less in the second picture!!
Let me be honest, it does feel great to be more in shape and to look more fit! I have gained an immense amount of confidence! The benefits of this weight loss have meant so much more to me though than just the way I look. I have felt so much better with my energy levels and happiness as well which have come along with this change! The change in energy has helped to make me more successful with my school work and my job as well! For the first time ever, I was able to get straight A’s after my lifestyle change. For the first time ever, I felt confident and happy with who I was. Not that you shouldn’t be happy no matter what weight you are- I think you should be confident regardless- but for me, it wasn’t the case, and making this change is what helped me to feel so confident. I think a lot of that had to deal with the fact that I finally felt that I was taking care of myself and putting myself first. This was the best feeling of all!!!! This is what continued to drive my want for a healthy lifestyle!
In no way is it easy, but it is SOOOOOOO worth it. My body feels so much better and I weirdly love to work out now (I used to hate it honestly). Take the time and effort to treat your body right! Use some of the tips from my blog to help you along the way and lean on your friends to keep pushing through! You are so worth making the change!!! You can do it! Even if you don’t need to lose weight, it may still help you with other things you may be dealing with like stress, acne, anxiety, stomach issues, etc. Thank you for following along with my blog! I hope this has helped you in some way and that this encourages you to treat your body the way it deserves to be treated!
Be well! -Morgan

Joshua Versh
Your right change can be a good thing. I myself have decided to make a change from being known as the human walking stick, to working out every day these past two semesters until COVID-19 took the gym away. It was something I looked forward to every day and it boosted my confidence (same as you) no matter how small the difference may have been. In my mind, I knew I gained 10 pounds of muscle and in doing this I was able to prove to myself that I can put in the effort and see results no matter how big or small.
Luke Willkomm
Way to go Morgan! The first part is always the first step, but now look at you. You’re able to look back and have this amazing and encouraging testimony to everyone who is just starting their journey. I think what makes the change worth it is how it is a daily decision to accomplish your goals. I hope you continue to help other with your health tips and stay encouraged with the progress you made!
Luke Piccione
So inspiring Morgan! I applaud you for being vulnerable in this weeks blog. You have showed others that it IS possible to take action towards the best version of yourself. There are so many benefits to taking care of ourselves, we need to keep spreading the word!