At-Home Workouts!
Hello and welcome back to another blog post for tips to living a healthy lifestyle! One thing that is a huge factor in living healthy, mentally and physically, is exercise. Exercise is great because it gets your blood pumping and it can also release endorphins which is beneficial to mental health and happiness. Taking time out of your day to get a workout in cannot always be easy or convenient. Sometimes it is easy and convenient to go to the gym and I still just don’t want to do it. Living in Wisconsin especially when it is only 5 degrees out, it makes it hard sometimes to want to leave your place and go out in the freezing cold just to workout. These times are the perfect opportunity for when doing an at-home workout comes in handy! I love doing at-home workouts when I am not in the mood to go out and about, and I just get the great feeling of breaking a sweat and the feeling of accomplishment for getting myself to exercise. An at-home workout can really only take 20-30 minutes to be effective! It doesn’t have to be too big of a commitment. First of all, I always like to start the workout by getting my heart rate up! This is helpful because this will help you burn more calories during the rest of the workout. I usually start my workout by sprinting in place for one minute! Although this is a weird feeling to do at first, it is a great way to get yourself going. After that, I really vary what I do for the rest of my workout based on what day of the week in my workouts it is. Other workouts that are easy to do at home include planks, side planks, push-ups, lunges, bodyweight squats, sit-ups, or whatever else you might enjoy. Then in between those exercises, I will do more exercises to bring my heart rate back up. The other exercises that are good to bring your heart rate up include burpees, mountain climbers, high knees (45 seconds), 50 jumping jacks, fast feet, etc. I tend to switch off and 2 or 3 of the more relaxed, bodyweight exercises and then switch over to one of the workouts to get my heart rate back up. I tend to continue this for about 20 to 30 minutes or until I am satisfied. Like I said these are simple ways to get a sweat in when you don’t want to go to the gym and are a great way to keep on the pathway to a living a healthy lifestyle! Thanks for reading this week!

Grace Holler
I have started working out and I’ve noticed that I am definitely happier after I workout. I also agree that it is very difficult to get myself to the gym when it is freezing outside. At home workouts are a good alternative.
Luke Willkomm
Love it. Cannot endorse home workouts enough. I spent my whole summer skipping the traditional gym and opted for home workouts outside. Honestly, I loved that you mentioned how it is only 20-30 minutes to be effective instead of the traditional 40 minute workouts. Life hack.
Luke Tegtman
With this pandemic still in effect, at-home workouts are at an all-time high. I like working out at home but I would love to get out of the house and hit the gym.
Sally Giles
Awsome – this gave me so much clarity
Wellbeing balance
Thank for sharing this, I really enjoyed reading it 🙂
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I found this article very interesting, thanks for sharing this article