Staying Hydrated
Hello everyone, I want to talk to everyone this week about something that is incredibly important to your health (especially if you are trying to lose weight). This topic is staying hydrated and making sure you are drinking enough water!!! Although this isn’t always easy, it is important and this blog post will help to show you the importance and also give some easy tips on how to get better at staying hydrated!!
Not only is hydration needed for regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, and keep the organs functioning the way they are supposed to!
Beyond those basic functions, the benefits of being well-hydrated are the following: improved sleep quality, cognition, and mood!
Experts recommend drinking roughly 11 cups of water per day for the average woman and 16 for men. ( You can also calculate your recommended water intake amount you should multiply your weight by 2/3 to calculate how much water you need to drink on a daily basis. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, the calculation will be as follows: 160 × 2/3 = 107 ounces (3.15 liters) of water per day.
Tips for staying hydrated:
- Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. Make it a routine!
- Carry a water bottle with you at all times!!! -there are some really cute/designable water bottles out there that make you want to have one!!
- Add lemon, cucumbers, strawberries, etc… to flavor your water and change it up!!
- Take water breaks in between your daily activities!
- Keep track of how much water you’ve drunk to make sure you’re meeting your proper amount! (there are apps for this)
- Get your water intake through the food you are eating! For example, eat watermelon, cucumbers, or tomatoes!
- Be careful to drink extra water if you have also had coffee or alcohol!
Thanks for reading! Stay safe, healthy, and hydrated!

Joshua Versh
Without drinking enough water during the day I start to get a headache and start to feel like crap. Therefore, I believe drinking enough water is essential to making your daily life more enjoyable.
Becca Fish
I used to be terrible with drinking enough water. Then I got a water tracking app that would send me alerts every so often to remind me to drink more. It helped so much!!!
Newlong Lor
I need to drink water everyday! I used to drink other things such as soda, juice, tea, coffee etc., but its always important to have water! Thanks for the tips though!
Ian Dunn
I always say, hydrate or you diedrate! I started drinking more water last year and its improved my life so much!
Grace Holler
I always know when I don’t drink enough water, because I get a really bad headache and then I get in a bad mood LOL.
Logan Meyer
I try drinking like 4 bottles of water everyday! I know that drinking lots of water helps you stay healthy and more energetic throughout the day.
Luke Tegtman
I have to drink water every day to counter the amount of coffee I drink in the morning.
the article is good and useful
تمريض منزلي
thanks for sharing these healthy info