New Stuff Tuesday – June 11, 2019

They shall not grow old movie poster
They Shall Not Grow Old
D521 .T44 2018
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor

They Shall Not Grow Old is the result of years of restoration work led by Peter Jackson’s Wingnut Films. The work involved using digital restoration techniques to modernize 100 year old footage from the first world war. The project also colorized the footage by looking at countless examples of soldier’s uniforms, weapons, and the landscape. The final part was using lip readers and artillery audio to provide sound to footage that never had it originally.The focus of the film is on English forces in the western front, and while the film was never meant to be a comprehensive documentary of the Great War, the work done here allows World War I to be seen in a way it’s never even been imagined before.

Perhaps, the most spectacular work in this film was the work done in a scene featuring a general giving a speech to rally his troops before battle. In the making of feature, Jackson relates how the original speech was discovering after digging through archives in Great Britain. Using a voice actor, dialogue of the speech was added to the footage for the first time. The footage is of course a reminder of the all that is horrible when we go to war, but it is a good reminder that for many of us we had relatives from the 60 million people who fought in the war and the film makers encourage us to look into our own family histories to discover these relatives.

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Honoring the WWI Gold Star men

As the smoke cleared from the battlefields of World War I, the Whitewater Normal School came together to honor those who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the cause.  May 30, 1919, was the first Memorial Day following the signing of the armistice that had ended the war the previous November.  Almost 50 students and faculty,  approximately 10 percent of the student body, returned to the school to resume their studies.  Missing from that number were seven students and alumni.

Honoring the fallen

Memorial exercises were held at the school assembly on Thursday, June 5, 1919, to honor Byron Beckett, Loren Borst, Lawrence Buckley, William Graham, Oscar Hamilton, Harold Hawes, and Ernest Magoon, all students or graduates from the Normal School and Commercial High School.

At the assembly, Chaplain Gustav Stearns from the 128th infantry gave a memorial address.  A member of the faculty spoke about each of the fallen soldiers, “giving a brief sketch of their lives and telling something of their service” (Whitewater Register, June, 12, 1919).

On June 8, 1920, a memorial to the Gold Star men was erected on the front lawn of the Normal school, flanking the entrance to Old Main along with a bust of President Salisbury. “It was a shaft of Montello granite on which is to be placed “Victory.” A bronze tablet on the face of the shaft has the names” of the soldiers (Whitewater Register, June 10, 1920).  The dedication ceremony included a speech by A.A. Upham and an address by Chaplain Stearns.  In 1923, a bust of President Abraham Lincoln was added to the top of the pedestal.  The memorial now stand near the southwest corner of Hyer hall.



Gold Star Men

Byron Beckett, 1918

Byron Beckett served as the Senior class president and graduated from the Principals’ Course in June 1918 before serving as a seaman second class in the Navy.

Loren Borst, 1917

Loren Borst, known as the “Big Mondovi Star,” helped lead the football team to the 1917 championship game.  He left to fight for “Uncle Sam” and died at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, in November 1918 from influenza and pneumonia.

Lawrence Buckley attended the Normal School in 1915 and went on to work for the North Western Railway. He joined the Navy in 1917 and was promoted to seaman second class during his year of service.  In March 1918, he was granted a ten day furlough and returned to Whitewater, where he died suddenly from diphtheria.

William “Billy” Graham was part of the Freshman class of 1909 at Whitewater Normal.  He joined Company K, 128th Infantry, and served for six years, rising to the rank of Corporal.  He died in action on August 2, 1918.

Oscar Hamilton, 1918

Oscar Hamilton, another Whitewater native, was an editor for the Royal Purple and the Minneiska before graduating from the High School Course at Whitewater Normal in 1918. He went on to serve with the U.S. Engineers in Washington, DC, where he contracted influenza and pneumonia, which claimed his life in October 1918.

Harold Hawes served as the Junior class president for the Commercial High School in 1917. He enlisted as a Private 1st Class in the 128th Infantry, Company K, on April 7, 1917, the day the United States declared war on Germany.  He died in France from wounds he received in battle.

Ernest Magoon joined the army as a private in the 38th Infantry, Company B.  He served in France and went missing during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.  In August 1921, as the U.S. government began sending soldier’s bodies home from Europe, Ernest and another soldier, Elmer Wright, returned to Whitewater.  The Normal School hosted a service to honor these soldiers.


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New Stuff Tuesday — May 21, 2019

World of Birds bookcover

World of Birds
by Robert Hunter
E Hun
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor

Blame it on tech-enabled everything these days, but it seems to me that picture books for the younger set are getting ever more techie and interactive. I’m not complaining, when it results in books like this lushly illustrated volume that plays (through the pressure sensors on the back page) the calls of 60 separate bird species! I do wish the calls were a little more clearly separated — currently all 8 or 10 or so birds from a given page will play in one 5- to 10-second recording, sometimes overlapping and it’s hard to tell what is what bird. But the result feels like you’re out in the jungle or the Australian outback, listening to a cacophony of birds all around you, so I can’t criticize too much.

I trust the bird calls must be highly accurate because they were created in collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. I also love the diversity of the creatures represented — all 7 continents, 10 different habitats, birds large and small, running, swimming, and flying.

Out of curiosity, I wondered if we had other sound-playing books by this publisher. It doesn’t look like any of the others play sounds, but the library has quite a collection of high-quality illustrated picture books from this publisher that are just begging to be used in your next social studies or science lesson plan!


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Library exam, break hours

collage of images of students studyingAndersen Library hours for exam study:

Mon.-Thurs., May 13-16: 7:30am – 2am
Fri., May 17*: 7:30am – 10pm
Sat., May 18: 10am – 6pm
Sun., May 19: 11am – 8pm
Mon.-Tues., May 20-21: 7:30am – 4:30pm

Spring-Summer Break hours (May 22-27):

Mon.-Fri.: 8am – 4:30pm
Sat.-Sun.: Closed
Mon. May 27th (Memorial Day): Closed

*Food for Thought Cafe will close on Fri., May 17, at 2pm, and reopen in the Fall!

Study hard and good luck, everybody! And congratulations to those of you who are graduating!

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Have you or someone you know ever said, “I need that like I need another hole in my head!” or something similar? Well, at times some people have thought they or others need an actual hole created in their heads. It’ called trepanation.

Was or is it for medical reasons? Was or is it for a ritual? If you’d like to learn more, read these sources:

Whether you are graduating or continuing with your studies, this is but one example of the many topics you may not have encountered yet. Some of the things you will have to learn, or just want to learn, don’t even exist yet. Never lose your curiosity!

If you’d like assistance with finding additional material on this or another topic, please ask a librarian (email, chat, phone 262.472.1032, or visit the Reference Desk).

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 14, 2019

Dear My Teacher

Dear My Teacher:
Letters of Joy, Pain, and Triumph from Today’s Teenage Hmong Students
Edited & compiled by Pang Yang and Mike H. Vang
LC3501.H56 D43 2019
New Arrivals Island, 2nd floor

The students’ letters in this book were written to their teachers with the hope that by sharing their feelings on paper, the teachers could benefit from seeing the world through their eyes (p.1). These letters are also an opportunity for those of us who rarely have the chance to get to know the sincere wishes, dreams, and concerns of teenagers, high school students, recent immigrants, and first-and second-generation citizens.

The students who are learning the Hmong language for the first time share their anxiousness and excitement. Most of these teens write about their worry of meeting expectations of their parents and teachers. Many also share the sentiment of this student, who writes to their Hmong teacher, “Listening to your stories about your life and the struggle you went throughout your journey really inspire me to never give up” (p.53), attesting to the power of sharing stories.

For readers who are heading off to their first year of teaching or getting ready for Fall 2019 intern teaching, Andersen Library has numerous titles to inspire and provide tools for a first year in a classroom. Here are just a few:

How to Be Successful in Your First Year of Teaching Elementary School Everything You Need to Know That They Don’t Teach You in School

How to Be Successful in Your First Year of Teaching High School Everything You Need to Know That They Don’t Teach You in Schoo

Substitute : going to school with a thousand kids / Nicholson Baker.

White teacher, black mama / Anita Kelley D’Abbraccio and Tiffany Lott Stevenson.

You can do this : hope and help for new teachers / Robyn R. Jackson.

Streaming video: The New Teacher : Meeting the Challenges / National Professional Resource.

Audiobook: I’d like to apologize to every teacher I ever had : my year as a rookie teacher at Northeast High / Tony Danza.

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Alice’s Ordinary People/Screening & Discussion

There will be a screening of Alice’s Ordinary People on Thurs, May 16, from 6–8pm at Whitewater’s public library, the Irvin L Young Memorial Library (431 W Center St, Whitewater). The filmmaker, Craig Dudnick, will provide an introduction and lead the discussion. This event is free and open to all. UW-Whitewater students and staff also may view the documentary film via Andersen Library’s Kanopy streaming video database. You can read Dudnick’s comments about the documentary online via Imagine Video, and at that site is a link to a recording of a radio interview with Dudnick about the documentary.

This summary in Kanopy describes the film:

Alice Tregay’s story of ordinary people effecting extraordinary change for human rights. Alice’s life story reads like a history of the movement. Early on she fought the “Willis Wagons.” The second class structures were built to relieve overcrowding in those Chicago schools which served the African American community. Their very existence perpetuated segregation.

In 1966, Dr. King came to Chicago. Alice and her husband James Tregay, marched with him, often at great personal risk. It was at this time that Dr. King joined the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and the Reverend James Bevel to form Operation Breadbasket. Breadbasket fought racism on many fronts, but its main task was jobs for African Americans, particularly from those businesses drawing profits from the African American community.

Under the leadership of Reverend Jackson, the months that Alice and her “ordinary people” spent picketing led to real change. But it was through her Political Education class, that Alice’s had her most significant impact. Over a four year period, thousands were trained to work in independent political campaigns. This new force was integral to the re-election of Ralph Metcalf to Congress (this time as an independent democrat), to the election of Harold Washington, mayor, and to making Barack Obama, our first African American President.

Would you like to learn more? Andersen Library may be able to help, with articles such as “Resisting the “Willis Wagons”: Do you remember 1963?” (Chicago Citizen, 1999, Dec.30, p. 2.) in the ProQuest Ethnic NewsWatch database. When displaying the article, there are links to related articles on the right. An obituary is available online as well: “Celebration of life and service for civil rights activist Alice Tregay” (Chicago Defender, 2015, Apr 29, p.4). Two entries in the extension of remark pages of the Congressional Record, both entered by Hon. Janice D. Schakowsky in the House of Representatives, are online. One was entered before Tregays’ death on February 16, 2012 and the other on April 23, 2015 after her death.

Please ask a librarian (email, chat, phone 262.472.1032, or visit the Reference Desk) for assistance with finding additional materials.

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Whitewater Normal School Exhibit

This post was created by UW-Whitewater student Morgan Zdroik

As we celebrate the University of Wisconsin Whitewater’s 150th anniversary, you may wonder what 1868, the first year of, then Whitewater Normal was like. Who were the faculty? What did campus look like? What classes did they offer?

This semester I was an Archives and Area Research Center intern and dedicated my internship to researching and creating an exhibit that commemorates the founding year of Whitewater Normal School.

I started my process by reading chapters from different books about the first year of Whitewater Normal. The chapters provided me with majority of the information I needed to complete my exhibit.

Next, I began to look at photographs of the faculty and campus from the 1800s. This was by far my favorite part of the process. After carefully looking through the images, I selected the best ones and photographed, edited, and printed them.

Reading through newspaper articles from the Whitewater Register about the beginnings of Whitewater Normal was the next step of my process. After looking at the collection online, I was able to look at the original newspapers from 1868, another one of my favorite steps. I then photographed the articles and printed the photos.

After hours of planning, printing, taping, and, cutting . . . I was finally able to put my exhibit together!

Displaying vintage photographs and newspaper articles allowed me to give the public a glimpse into the year the university was established.

The exhibit includes information on the first faculty who taught at the school, along with student and campus life.

The First Year: A Glimpse into the Beginnings of Whitewater Normal


The first faculty of Whitewater Normal consisted of individuals who were scholars in Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Grammar, Geography, History, Music, Latin, and the Natural Sciences.

The faculty, their fields of instruction, and the years they taught at Whitewater Normal are listed below:

  • Oliver Arey, Mental & Moral Philosophy and Pedagogic and President, 1868-76
  • T. Lovewell, Mathematics, 1868-72
  • H. E. G. Arey, Rhetoric and Drawing, 1868-76
  • Emily J. Bryant, Grammar, Geography, and History, 1868
  • J. Brown M. D., Natural Science, 1868-69
  • Harvey H. Greenman, Vocal Music, 1869-74
  • Virginia Deichman, Instrumental Music, 1868-77
  • Clarinda D. Hall, Grammar, 1868-70
  • Catherine H. Lilly, Teacher Grammar Department 1868, Grammar and Latin 1871-77
  • Ada Hamilton, Teacher Intermediate Department 1868
  • Sarah A. Stewart, Teacher Primary Department 1868-69, Geography and History, 1869-72
  • C. Chamberlain, Natural Science, 1869-73
  • Eliza Graves, Teacher of Intermediate Department, 1869
  • Helen M. Bowen, Teacher of Grammar Department, 1869
  • Etta Carle, Intermediate and Academic Departments 1869-70
  • E. Vansickle, Teacher Intermediate Department 1869-70
  • Mary A. Brayman, Teacher Primary Department 1869-71

Whitewater Normal also had a president who began when the university first opened. The first president was Oliver Arey. As listed above, Arey was also a Mental & Moral Philosophy and Pedagogic teacher.

His wife, Mrs. H. E. G. Arey was one of the first teachers at Whitewater Normal and was often considered a second mother to the students.

Oliver Arey remained president while he and his wife taught until the pair left in 1876.

Students and Student Life

During the first term at Whitewater Normal, spring 1868, there were 48 students enrolled in the Normal Program and 102 in the Training School. The second term, fall 1868, enrollment in the Normal Program climbed to 105 students while the Training Program had 98 students.

Whitewater Normal offered three courses of study; an elementary course of two years, an institute course of one term, and an advanced course of three years.

In order to be a student at Whitewater Normal, one had to be very serious about school. Students partook in required study hours throughout the day. The hours were 6-7am and 9am-12pm in the morning and 2-5pm and 7-9pm in the afternoon and evening.

Students also had to follow a point system. Each student began with 100 points and lost points depending on their bad behavior and actions:

  • Absence from prayer, declamation or recitation = 2 points
  • Unexcused tardiness = 1 point
  • Exam absence = 10 points
  • Entering a saloon or barroom = 5 points
  • Personal violence = 50 points

President Arey created a day in which the entire faculty stayed at home and an elected student from each class would take over and teach the class that day. He called this day Students Day and created such a day to test the student’s leadership skills and devotion to their schoolwork.

Although school appeared to be all work and no play, students of Whitewater Normal developed their own organization during the first year.

Before fraternities and sororities, students created literary societies. Whitewater Normal students developed the Lincolnian literary society towards the end of the 1868 spring term. This organization consisted of smart, well-informed men and women. To be a member of the society, student were required to pay dues of $.50 and fines for overdue library books. The society was finalized on May 1, 1868.

The graduation process in 1868 was much different from today’s graduation. In order to graduate and receive a diploma a student had to be at least 19 years old, an academic resident for one year, and obtain a certificate of attendance from the president.

Unfortunately, similar to today, some students were kicked out of school for their grades or behavior. At Whitewater Normal, some students were publicly expelled. For example, students Orvis C. Flanders and Minerva Richmond were expelled for displaying characteristics unbecoming of a teacher.

Campus and Campus Life

Construction of Old Main, the school building, began on October 2, 1866. Due to various delays in the building’s construction, Whitewater Normal was not dedicated until April 21, 1868.

Students at Whitewater Normal were very fortunate to receive free tuition for those enrolled in the Normal Program. Board was $3.00-$3.50 per week and students could rent library books and textbooks for $1.

Tuition for the training program, however, had different rates depending on the training. It cost $.30 a week for primary training, $.40 a week for intermediate training, and $.70 a week for academic training.

Students could also take piano and oil painting lessons, which cost $12 each or linear and watercolor drawing lessons, which cost $6 each.


Overall, my internship and exhibit have allowed me to grow as a historian and become more comfortable as a writer. I hope to one day become a museum exhibit designer and create exhibits for a larger audience.

I encourage you go to look at what I have worked on all semester. My exhibit is currently on display in the three display cases outside the entrance of the library. I hope you not only enjoy what I have created but also learn something new!

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Chancellor Greenhill Exhibit

This post was created by UW-Whitewater student Brendan Knoflicek.

This spring semester of my junior year of college I had the opportunity to work as a public history intern at the UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center in Andersen Library.  I was tasked with working with the H. Gaylon Greenhill Collection, a former Chancellor of UW-Whitewater.

The Greenhill collection contains a variety of items in the scrapbooks and files.  The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, photos, letters, and documents that display Greenhill’s and UW-Whitewater’s successes. The Greenhill file contains photos, letters, pamphlets, quizzes, and booklets more specifically related to Greenhill.  Initially I was tasked with creating a historical note of the overall collection. This provides any researcher the necessary background information on the collection to determine its significance to their project. After the historical note, I was tasked with creating an exhibit on Greenhill.  The main materials used for my Greenhill exhibit were the clippings, photos, and letters as they display Greenhill’s personality in the best way. I began choosing items as if it were a job interview. The main items selected were to show Greenhill’s talents and his traits he had as a person. However, it was not an easy task narrowing down successes of a self made man who’s lasting legacy was immortalized by naming UW-Whitewater’s arts building, the Greenhill Center of the Arts.  H. Gaylon Greenhill was one of UW-Whitewater’s most successful hires in the school’s history, making it difficult to narrow down his successes for an exhibit.

Before Whitewater, Greenhill earned a bachelor’s degree from UW-River Falls and a masters and PhD from University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. While many remember Greenhill as UW-Whitewater’s Chancellor, Greenhill was initially hired as an associate professor of political science. The exhibit has two cases that are split into Greenhill’s achievements before becoming Chancellor (Case 1), and Greenhill’s achievements as Chancellor (Case 2).  

Case 1

Case 1 covers a time span from 1962-1991, where Greenhill had to establish himself as a top scholar and worked his way up to Vice Chancellor. In 1967 when Greenhill published his Labor Money in Wisconsin Politics 1964, which received praise from politicians and fellow academics.  This piece displayed Greenhill’s talents and earned him promotions, first to the Dean of Summer School in 1967 and Extension Services and then to Vice Chancellor in 1980.  As Vice Chancellor, Greenhill displayed his talents and skills that foreshadowed his later promotion to Chancellor. Greenhill became a familiar site in newspapers as he made many public appearances as Vice Chancellor where people began to see the more friendly and personable side of Greenhill.   Since his graduation from UW-River Falls, Greenhill has had a successful career, for which he earned the Distinguished Alumni award in 1984 from the university. This award recognizes students who have made strides of excellence in their fields since graduation, which Greenhill had done up to that point.  

Case 2

The exhibit then moves to case 2, which is bigger than case 1 and displays Greenhill’s successes as Chancellor of UW-Whitewater. As Chancellor Greenhill was able to achieve more of his goals for UW-Whitewater, which required more space to display his accomplishments. Case 2 covers Greenhill’s years as Chancellor from 1991-2000.  It begins with Chancellor Connor retiring after his seventeen years of service in 1991. Following Connor’s retirement announcement, many academics suspected that Greenhill was next in line for the job. Shortly after Connor’s retirement the UW System Regents backed Greenhill, leading to his selection as UW-Whitewater’s new Chancellor.  For his opening remarks Greenhill gave an emphatic speech on an excellence standard he wanted UW-Whitewater to reach. In his speech Greenhill states that UW-Whitewater needs to hire top faculty members, which will then attract the top high school students. Greenhill would act on his own words immediately as he starting the building of the Irvin Young Auditorium building in 1991 and finished in 1993, showing Greenhill’s and UW-Whitewater’s motivation to achieve excellence. Chancellor Greenhill was seen often around campus as he interacted with the student body, as he participated in homecoming games with students and attended many of the football teams games.  In 1994 Greenhill privately began creating an “Excellence Fund” that was set to raise ten million dollars and be used on renovating Warhawk Stadium, Hyer Hall, and the Connor University Center. The majority of the fund was allocated for student scholarships. When Greenhill announced the “Excellence Fund” to the public it was an immediate success. Though the ten million for the fund was reached by 1996, it stayed open until 1998 when it raised twelve million dollars. Students who received money from the “Excellence Fund” often wrote letters to Chancellor Greenhill and his wife thanking him for the opportunity they otherwise couldn’t have afforded. In 1999 Greenhill announced his retirement from UW-Whitewater.  Greenhill’s retirement ceremony drew a large crowd as academics and politicians from Wisconsin attended. After retirement Greenhill and his wife Hannah donated $500,000 to Whitewater. In return the university renamed the Center of the Arts building, to the Greenhill Center of the Arts.

Working in the school’s archives was great because it has taught me skills I need to further my career in public history.  I learned how to create historical notes for collections, how to organize collections, and how to label collections.  The archival work was more interesting than I had initially thought, as I was able to learn a lot about a specific collection and place my influence on the collection by organizing it.  When creating my exhibit I learned how to use Photoshop, how to organize an exhibit, and how to provide concise text for an exhibit. Photoshop allowed me to edit photos so they could be easily seen for any viewers.

Organizing the exhibit was especially important for case 2 as images between rows needed to be spaced out enough so viewers know they are separate, while images that were related needed to be closer together so viewers know they are connected.  Creating short amounts of text was difficult sometimes as I wanted to provide more info on the images. After finalizing the exhibit I found a good medium of text that provided necessary information, while keeping it short and to the point. Overall working at UW-Whitewater’s Archives and Area Research Center in Andersen Library has provided beneficial experiences as I continue to pursue a career in public history.  

The exhibit is located in the Archives and Area Research Center on the 1st floor of Andersen Library.

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T3: Closed Captioning on the Fly

If you need to quickly provide closed captioning for an audio source that is not currently captioned, you can use this Google Slides trick.

  1. Open a blank Google Slide. Here’s a link to get you started.
  2. In upper right of screen, Click Present button
  3. In lower menu which appears when you hover your mouse at the bottom of the screen, click CC
  4. Allow microphone
  5. Start talking, play the video/audio, etc

This trick also works with a split screen, with a Google Slide on one side and a YouTube video on the other.


Note: This does not replace the need to close caption videos that you will be showing in a classroom setting as this only works as well as speech recognition can be–that is not well enough! But, it can be used to jump-start your own captioning of a video, presentation, or lecture.

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