Tag Archives: articles

Ta-Nehisi Coates Race in America talk 11/29

Ta-Nehisi Coates, senior editor for The Atlantic, will talk about “The Beautiful Struggle and Changing Meanings of Race in America” on Mon., Nov. 29, @7pm in the Irvin L. Young Auditorium. This Campus/Community Reading Initiative is also the last fall … Continue reading

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Talk on Amish in WI 11/16

Richard Dawley will present “Amish Potpourri,” at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library (Whitewater’s public library @ 431 W. Center St.) on Tues., Nov. 16, at 7pm.  Sponsored by the Friends of the [public] Library, this program is free and … Continue reading

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Asteroid collision, mass extinction talk Fri 11/12

Dr. Rex Hanger, UWW Dept. of Geography & Geology, will talk about Death from Above: Asteroid collisions and mass extinctions on Earth on Fri., Nov. 12, at 8 p.m. (Upham Hall 140), followed by a public viewing session at the … Continue reading

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Jessica Jackley @UWW 11/8

Jessica Jackley, co-founder of Kiva, an international P2P (peer-to-peer) microfinance lending non-profit, will present “Harnessing the Power of Perspective: Kiva and the Worldwide Microlending Movement” @7pm on Mon., Nov. 8 (location: Irvin L. Young Auditorium). It’s the second of the … Continue reading

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Peer Reviewed Articles, Anyone?

Are you required to find “peer reviewed” (aka refereed) articles for your paper(s)? What the heck does that mean?! Peer review is a quality control process used by some scholarly journals to ensure that they only publish articles containing excellent … Continue reading

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State Marching Band Championships 10/16

Did you know that the 2010 (26th annual) Wisconsin State Marching Band Championship competition is Sat., Oct. 16, at UWW’s Perkins Stadium? The fun starts at noon with the novice class performance, and the Whitewater High School Marching Band (Class … Continue reading

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Alien Planets Presentation 10/8

Dr. Paul Rybski, UWW Dept. of Physics, will talk about “Alien Planets: What we know and don’t know about some planetary systems beyond our own” on Fri., Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. (Upham Hall 140), followed by a public viewing … Continue reading

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Fire Prevention Week 10/3-9

October 3-9 is Fire Prevention Week. Yes, there’ll be fire drills on campus. The intent is to remind everyone of the importance of fire prevention and safety. The National Fire Protection Association provides a lot of information, including a history … Continue reading

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Education & Dementia

According to ScienceDaily’s article “Why More Education Lowers Dementia Risk,” “studies on dementia have consistently showed that the more time you spend in education, the lower your risk of dementia. For each additional year of education there is an 11% … Continue reading

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“Monkey” trial anniversary

Heard of the Scopes “Monkey” trial (aka The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes)? On July 21, 1925 schoolteacher John T. Scopes was found guilty of violating Tennessee’s Anti-Evolution Act, which outlawed teaching evolution in public schools. The verdict was set … Continue reading

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