Category Archives: around the world

Know your history & civics? Quiz

The USA Weekend for April 11-13, 2008 reported how poorly 14,000 seniors and freshmen at 50 institutions of higher education performed on a quiz about basic U.S. history and civics: the average score was a mere 52%, which probably included … Continue reading

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What’s a wiki?

Here’s a very short video explaining wikis, from the clever folks at Common Craft: [youtube][/youtube] Common Craft has many short videos explaining things like RSS, social bookmarking, twitter, blogs, sharing photos online, and more. You can also get them through … Continue reading

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Earth Day (April 22)

Every April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. Information about UWW’s Earth Day conference on April 22nd and other campus events is online. The federal government’s web site has suggestions for things you can do at home, at work or … Continue reading

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National Poetry Month (April)

How do you celebrate National Poetry Month? Well, read poetry! Also, on April 17th, carry a poem in your pocket. Seriously. It seems that April 17th is the first national Poem In Your Pocket Day. Carry a poem with you … Continue reading

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United Nations data to go

An earlier blog entry mentioned several United Nations statistical databases…now the UN is trying to make data easier to find! Announcing UNdata, the one-stop search box for several UN statistical databases at once. The University Library is a federal depository … Continue reading

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Search inside: Google Book Search

Google Book Search lets you search inside the contents of books, which can help you identify books very relevant to research you’re doing. The advanced search option lets you search for specific titles, authors, publishers, etc. Even if the University … Continue reading

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Use E-books?

If you haven’t noticed, the Library loves surveys. (As an aside – a big thank you to all that completed the LibQUAL survey! We will going through the results and come up a plan of action to improve our resources … Continue reading

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March: Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. If you’re interested in researching a topic related to women’s history, resources are plentiful. The Library of Congress is providing information and resources online in celebration of women, using materials it has collected over the … Continue reading

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Keep Up With Science Research

The Public Library of Science is a non-profit site for keeping up with and freely sharing scientific and medical research. It is dedicated to open access to research articles, and also offers blogs, journal content alerts, and open access (no-fee) … Continue reading

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iGoogle, do you?

iGoogle has become a part of my daily life, and I can blame one of my coworkers. No, it’s not just searching Google I’m talking about! With a free Google account (you already have one if you use Gmail) you … Continue reading

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