Category Archives: around the world

Top International Business Stories of 2011

Euromonitor, the provider of the Passport GMID, has shared their top ten articles of 2011*, which provides insight into the main growth areas and concerns in the current business environment. *shared with permission from the publisher Top 10 Consumer Trends … Continue reading

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Pew Global Attitudes Project

Are you interested in public opinion data? “The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project conducts public opinion surveys around the world on a broad array of subjects ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the … Continue reading

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Where’s Wikipedia??

You may have heard the news that Wikipedia (in English) is staging a global blackout in protest of two bills before the U.S. Congress: Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), and Protect IP Act (PIPA) You can read a blog about … Continue reading

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Grand Canyon

On January 11, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt made more then 800,000 acres of the the Grand Canyon area a national monument. The History Channel quotes him, “Let this great wonder of nature remain as it now is,” he declared. “You … Continue reading

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Librarians’ favorite books

If you’re looking for some recommended books to fill your limited time for unrequired reading, how about these? Librarians were invited to contribute to Librarians’ Best Books of 2011 by Library Journal. The list includes both fiction and nonfiction: The … Continue reading

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Spotify your playlists

Have you tried Spotify? You can download it free, login with your FaceBook login, and then search for about a gazillion music tracks to play. You can create playlists to keep the tracks for reuse. Amazing. If you choose, your … Continue reading

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Friday fun: Vocabulary Quiz

As if you haven’t taken enough tests! But this one is for fun. It’s just a 10-question quiz to see how good your vocabulary is, compare your score to others in your age group, and maybe learn some new words. … Continue reading

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Friday fun: Cats

A co-worker passed along a couple of cute cat stories. One is about a cat in the Milwaukee area with 26 toes (that’s 2 extra per paw!) that’s helping raise money for a new facility ($26 dollars at a time), … Continue reading

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International Year of Forests (2011)

2011 is the International Year of Forests, designated by the United Nations to draw attention to sustainable forest management and the relationship between people and forests (they aren’t just habitats for flora and fauna, although that’s critical too, but they … Continue reading

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Can it talk to me yet? Chat/email, texting, or voice?

The Library has been considering the future of its “Ask a Librarian” chat reference service because the grant funding that makes it very affordable for a consortium of libraries all over the state runs out soon. It’s safe until until … Continue reading

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