Category Archives: around the library

Looking for Accurate Health Information?

There’s a lot of health information online. Unfortunately, it’s not all accurate. If you haven’t checked out the consumer health Web site MedlinePlus sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, you should. It’s terrific. MedlinePlus has up-to-date health information with … Continue reading

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About Video Games: New Resources

If you are interested in video games (not just playing them, but designing them or learning about their impact), the Library has books for you! Search the Library Catalog for “video games” and you’ll get a list, including The art … Continue reading

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University Library’s Book Sale Begins this Week

The University Library’s annual book sale is starting this week! There will be over 3,000 items for sale including new and used books (fiction, non-fiction, biography, mystery, children’s books), videos in various academic subjects, LP’s, magazines, cassettes, and more. The presale, which … Continue reading

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Movie Night Options

The Library’s Browsing collections of feature movies in VHS or DVD formats includes 96 of the titles on the American Film Institute‘s “AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movies” 10th anniversary list. Most of them are available in DVD format. This list … Continue reading

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Jing: Screen capturing quick & easy…and free

What’s that saying about a picture being worth a thousand words? It’s especially true when you’re trying to describe doing something online when the other person can’t watch your monitor. There are, of course, software packages you can buy for … Continue reading

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University Library’s 12th Annual Book Sale

Well, it’s almost that time of the year again. The University Library’s annual book sale is starting next week! There will be over 3,000 items for sale including new and used books (fiction, non-fiction, biography, mystery, children’s books), videos in … Continue reading

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Big Read: To Kill a Mockingbird

UWW & surrounding communities are taking part in “The Big Read” featuring the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Events are scheduled throughout April at sites such as local libraries and museums, and in the UWW’s Young Auditorium. See … Continue reading

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Miss me? I may be at Lost & Found

Are you missing something? Did you have it with you in the Library recently? If so, try Lost & Found in the Library, which is at the Circulation Desk (262-472-5511). Library staff attempt to contact owners when possible, but of … Continue reading

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Want Help for Research?

The reference librarians are available to meet with individuals or small groups who need help! Contact us to make an appointment and you’ll be matched up with the librarian who knows most about the subject area, e.g., Kyle Naff (liaison … Continue reading

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Big Screen TV in Library

Andersen Library now has a large-screen television on the 2nd floor (near the Browsing Books area, straight ahead from the Library entrance doors). News will be showing most of the time, but with Library approval it is possible to play … Continue reading

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