Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) is the anniversary of the 1862 Battle of Puebla, in which outnumbered Mexican troops defeated Napoleon III’s invading French army (despite this defeat the French weren’t actually stopped until 1867). The date is observed today … Continue reading

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Friday Library Music Video

Here, for your Friday enjoyment, a music video in honor of the noble librarian…thank goodness for YouTube! [youtube][/youtube]

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Economic Stimulus Payments

When are you getting your economic stimulus payment? The IRS has published information about when and how you’ll get your payment. You’re eligible for the payment if you have a valid Social Security Number, can’t be claimed as a dependent … Continue reading

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Joyce Huang, Library Director, retires

Today we reluctantly say farewell to Joyce Huang, Director of the University Library since 1995, and a member of the staff since 1985. Joyce accomplished a great deal here, including creating the Bibliographic Instruction lab (most students have spent some … Continue reading

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Remembering Vietnam 1975

According to the Vietnam War Almanac (Reference Collection DS557.7 .S94 1985), the Vietnam War ended on April 30, 1975. On May 1st, “Communist troops of North Vietnam … poured into Saigon today as a century of Western influence came to … Continue reading

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Undergrad Research posters

A sampling of Undergraduate Research posters is on display in the University Library. Come take a look! You also can browse a small sample of projects online as part of the institutional repository called MINDS@UW. Your poster could be displayed … Continue reading

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Chocolate for your password

OK, what’s more important to you: your password or your chocolate habit? A study in London found that a disturbing number of people would give up their computer passwords for a chocolate bar (121 of 576 subway riders, or 21 … Continue reading

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Know your history & civics? Quiz

The USA Weekend for April 11-13, 2008 reported how poorly 14,000 seniors and freshmen at 50 institutions of higher education performed on a quiz about basic U.S. history and civics: the average score was a mere 52%, which probably included … Continue reading

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What’s a wiki?

Here’s a very short video explaining wikis, from the clever folks at Common Craft: [youtube][/youtube] Common Craft has many short videos explaining things like RSS, social bookmarking, twitter, blogs, sharing photos online, and more. You can also get them through … Continue reading

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Daniel Maguire @UWW Apr 21

Daniel Maguire, Marquette University Ethics Professor, will present “Paranoia and the Roots of War: Unmasking the Illusions of a ‘Superpower” on Monday April 21st, 7 p.m., in the Hamilton Center (James R. Connor University Center). This is the Political Science … Continue reading

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