Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

The Donner Party (a tragic April anniversary)

In April 1846 the Donner and Reed families left Springfield IL for California. They split off from a larger wagon train to follow a so-called shortcut, but that and other difficulties cost them valuable time. When they finally reached the … Continue reading

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Knowing How We Got Here

This week I read Leonard Pitts‘ column in the Janesville Gazette “You can’t understand world unless you know how it was,” in which he laments that many people do not know basic history, and thus cannot put our world today … Continue reading

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Big Read: To Kill a Mockingbird

UWW & surrounding communities are taking part in “The Big Read” featuring the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Events are scheduled throughout April at sites such as local libraries and museums, and in the UWW’s Young Auditorium. See … Continue reading

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Miss me? I may be at Lost & Found

Are you missing something? Did you have it with you in the Library recently? If so, try Lost & Found in the Library, which is at the Circulation Desk (262-472-5511). Library staff attempt to contact owners when possible, but of … Continue reading

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Want Help for Research?

The reference librarians are available to meet with individuals or small groups who need help! Contact us to make an appointment and you’ll be matched up with the librarian who knows most about the subject area, e.g., Kyle Naff (liaison … Continue reading

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Big Screen TV in Library

Andersen Library now has a large-screen television on the 2nd floor (near the Browsing Books area, straight ahead from the Library entrance doors). News will be showing most of the time, but with Library approval it is possible to play … Continue reading

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Obama’s Online Town Hall Meeting 3/26

President Obama scheduled a town hall meeting with all of us Thursday morning, March 26th, at 10:30 a.m. People were directed to the White House web site to review questions. If you missed it, you can read the transcript or … Continue reading

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States ranked for personality traits

I read something recently that claimed North Dakota was ranked first among the 50 states for having the most agreeable people. Huh. I decided this was research I had to find, since I was curious about how Wisconsin fared. You … Continue reading

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Mar. 25 Commemorates End of Transatlantic Slave Trade

In December 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 25th as an annual International Day for the Commemoration of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. You can research this topic at your University’s Library. … Continue reading

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Spring Break Library Hours

The Library’s hours change for Spring Break: F March 20: 7:30am-4:30pm Sat.-Sun. March 21-22: CLOSED M-F March 23-27: 8am-4:30pm Sat. March 28: CLOSED Sun. March 29: 6pm-midnight Remember that even when the Library is closed or you are traveling: The … Continue reading

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