Everyone has seen those online Orbitz ads disguised as games – you know the ones where you have hit a home run or throw a football at a target? I have to say that I do occasionally play them (sometimes longer than I’d like to admit). It’s all in the name of promoting their product or service. Well, database vendors are no exception. Wiley Interscience has developed a few fun games to play that help to get their products out there. First, there’s Ms. Stackman, where as the Librarian, you must move around the library to help patrons get to computers before they get you. Try it, it’s not as easy as it sounds. If you figure it out, let me know how you did it. Then there’s Stack Attack, which is kind of like Tetris, only with the titles like Elements of Information Theory and From Genes to Genomes as your building blocks. My best score is 312. Can you beat it?
Ms. Stackman and Stack Attack from Wiley Interscience