December is a month of holidays, starting with Krampusnacht and ending with New Years Eve. Along there way there is Hanukkah, Solstice, Yule, Festivus, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. If I missed one you celebrate add a comment below.

Books are a great gift for your loved ones and winter is a great time to give them. Just think about them curling up by a fire reading a cozy novel or biography or history tome. If not a fire, then a heated blanket or a blanket + pet will work.
Andersen Library has put out a selection of giftable books this afternoon near the cafe. Any one or even 11+ could be yours for the low low price of 50 cents each. The payment box was not put back after the circulation desk was renovated, so please pay one of the staff members at that desk.
Stay warm and read a good book.