Erin Toohey, Wildlife in Need Center (WINC)’s Education Coordinator, will present this program on Bats of Wisconsin on Wed., Oct. 28th, at 4 p.m. via Zoom. Learn about WINC, Wisconsin’s bats species, why they’re important, and how you can help them! Register with your email address to attend:

Andersen Library may be able to help you find resources to learn more about bats, such as two state Department of Natural Resources online publications Bats of Wisconsin and Building a bat house, books including Bat ecology (3rd-floor Main Collection, QL737.C5 B3594 2003l preview some text at Google Books), and articles such as “Notes on capture and roost characteristics of three female evening bats (Nycticeius humeralis) in Southern Wisconsin: An expanding species? (American Midland Naturalist, 2018, vol.180:no.1, pp.168–172., “Field trial of a probiotic bacteria to protect bats from white-nose syndrome” (2019, Scientific Reports, vol.9:no.1, pp.9158–59, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45453-z), and “Bat mortality at a wind-energy facility in Southeastern Wisconsin” (Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2012, vol.36:no.4, pp.773–83.
For assistance with finding additional resources, such as articles or additional books, please ask a librarian (visit or contact staff at the Reference Desk, email, chat, or make an appointment).