Need some Halloween fun this year?
Come to the library on Wednesday and Thursday before, Oct. 28th and 29th, to get in the spooky spirit! 11a.m. to 4p.m. both days.
All activities will be come-and-go throughout the time, to allow for social distancing. Come to check out:
- The haunted book, and other spooky relics that contribute to Whitewater’s reputation as the “Second Salem” of the Midwest.
- Decorate a face mask in the spirit of the season — spiders and spiderwebs, autumn leaves, or bring your own idea! Some masks provided, or bring a solid-color mask of your own that you want to spiff up.
- Trick or treat candy around the library.
And if you’re wondering, yes, the kiddos still can trick-or-treat around Whitewater, following the safety guidelines recommended by the Parks and Rec department.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!