Dr. Paula Niedenthal, UW-Madison professor of psychology, will talk about the functions of emotions for people and their social interactions, and the value of the expression emotions, e.g., fear, anger, and happiness, on Thurs., Feb. 22, from 6-7:30pm in the Community Room of the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, Whitewater’s public library at 431 W. Center St. This talk is free and open to everyone.
Andersen Library can help you learn more, if you’re interested! See, for example, “Social functionality of human emotions” co-authored by Niedenthal and M. Brauer in Annual Review of Psychology, 2012, vol.62, on pp.259-285. Other resources include articles such as “The social signal value of emotions” (Cognition & Emotion, 2012, v.26:no.3, pp.385-389) and books such as The feeling brain: The biology and psychology of emotions (3rd-floor Main Collection, QP401 .J64 2015; preview some text at Google Books).
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