T3: Online Maker Camp

Maker Camp

Learn something new and boost your creativity this summer at Maker Camp, a free, online summer camp where you can work on a new project every day. Hosted by Maker Media, this virtual camp has daily activities centered around week-long themes. Although originally intended for school-aged children, the activities are fun for anyone! The activities for this summer range from crafting home-made instruments to film-making, agricultural projects, and the science of new materials. (See the whole list of themes here.)

In addition to creating projects in your own home, you can also share in the fun with other camp attendees virtually through Google+ and other online spaces.

About Diana

Diana is the Reference & Instructional Technology Librarian at UW-Whitewater. She can introduce you to a variety of technology to help improve your teaching, learning, research, and professional development. Ask her about Zotero, tea, or technology. She is the liaison librarian to the departments of Psychology and Social Work.
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