I know it’s starting to look white out, but “green” is a mindset we can have all the time. It might take a little effort and research, though.
A web site mentioned during a morning news show recently is green.yahoo.com. It has a lot of info in one place, including how to measure your carbon footprint, tips on living and buying green, links to blogs and other web sites such as Greenpeace’s Guide to Greener Electronics, etc.
Your University Library also has resources. Search the Library Catalog to find titles such as Green collar economy: how one solution can fix our two biggest problems (2nd-floor McNaughton books, call no. JON) in which the founding president of Green For All introduces a “Green New Deal,”
Green: your place in the new energy revolution (3rd-floor Main Collection, HC110.E5 H625 2000), Hot, flat, and crowded: why we need a green revolution-and how it can renew America (2nd-floor McNaughton Collection, call no. FRI), and The green book: the everyday guide to saving the planet one simple step at a time (2nd-floor New Book Island, call no. TD171.7 .R64 2007) with practical suggestions for all of us such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth to save up to 5 gallons of water per day.
Another useful web site is provided by Recycle More Wisconsin, an organization that was featured on Milwaukee’s WTMJ program “The Morning Blend” on Friday, November 14th. Their web site provides a tips on recycling and lets you look up details about what can be recycled in various Wisconsin communities.
Please ask a reference librarian if you’d like assistance finding more materials.