February 2009 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (11 February) – here are the highlights:

  • Study Abroad Scholarship Application being developed.
  • Hate Response planning continues.
  • Safe Zone group training – March 4 and April 2 from noon to 1:00 p.m. in UC266.
  • Domestic Partner Benefits supported by System.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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January 2009 Meeting

We met Wednesday (14 January) – here are the highlights:

  • Study Abroad Scholarships – A $100,000 grant was approved for students of under-represented groups (including LGBT).
  • Boxes and Walls scheduled for Feb 23-26 in Esker.
  • Save Zone member list being developed.
  • Safe Zone training scheduled for Feb 3, March 4 and April 2 from noon to 1:00 p.m. in UC266.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Seen Milk?

Edric and I went to see Milk this weekend. Sean Penn does an AMAZING job, and the supporting cast (James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Diego Luna and others) stands out in their own right. If you haven’t done so, go see it. now.


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December 2008 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (10 December) – here are the highlights:

  • Kim, Eric, Mary Beth and Sonya met with Jeff Janz to discuss who should respond to hate issues as they arise.
  • Dec 4 Saft Zone Training – Kyle & Melissa reported that 18 were present & it was well received.
  • LGBT Student Support – plans are in place for Royal Purple to run an article in April to raise awareness of LGBT resources.
  • Safe Zone training scheduled for Feb 3, March 4 & April 2, location to be announced later.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Domestic Partner Benefits Back On the Agenda

At the Board of Regents meeting last week, President Reilly once again voiced his support for the inclusion of domestic partner benefits in the pay plan for UW employees in the upcoming 2009-2011 biennium.

Read more about it on the UW System website under the Business, Finance, and Audit Committee forwards 2.5% pay plan heading…

Thanks to Susie for the tip-off!

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