November 2010 Meeting

We met on Wednesday (10 November) – here are the highlights:

  • We had four people attend the Safe Zone training that was held at the end of October and bravely facilitated by Dan Colleran.
  • It was announced that the Tom Affholder LGBT Leadership Award has increased in value from $250 to $1000 – make sure to apply (or encourage students to apply)!
  • Several students are conducting Undergraduate Research projects centered on the LGBT community. Katka Showers-Curtis and Ashley Ann Struck are researching faculty understanding of LGBT issues, while Alli Blanchard is focusing on the LGBTQA student experience at Whitewater.
  • Chief Kiederlen attended the meeting in order to discuss the recent hate crimes that have occurred on campus.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Scholarship Opportunity

The College of Letters & Sciences has announced that they are now accepting applications for the Tom Affholder LGBT Leadership Award for the coming year. Created in honor of Mr. Affholder by an alumnus of the class of 1970, the scholarship seeks to recognize a current student with sophomore, junior or senior status for their demonstrated dedication to the LGBT community on campus. For more information, please see the L&S Scholarship and Awards page to see all available honors.

UPDATE: It has been announced that the scholarship award has increased from $250 to $1000 – make sure to apply!

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Outreach of Madison – Going to Janesville

OutReach, Madison’s LGBT community center, is looking at establishing a satellite center in Janesville. In order to do this, they’re conducting a needs assessment survey to determine which services would be most useful for the area. What would you like to see in Janesville? Let them know by taking their survey.

They will also be starting a peer discussion group as early as 22 November at the First Christian Church (1909 Highland Avenue, Janesville).

If you have any questions about the group or about the survey, please contact Jocelyn MacAskill, intern at OutReach, at

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LGBT Support Group

University Health & Counseling Services is starting an LGBT support for the campus. Gwen Hering, member of the task force, will be leading the sessions. All are welcome to participate. The group will meet on Fridays at 11AM in the Student Affairs Room (Room 2023) – Ambrose Health Center. The first meeting is tomorrow (29 October)!

For more information, please contact Gwen Hering at 262.472.1305 or

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Mark Your Calendars: 9 November

There are two events happening on 9 November that I would highly recommend attending:

Whitewater Ends Bullying at 5PM in UC 266
Led by Dr. Jo Ann Oravec, there will be a focus on cyberbullying, but will be covering bullying/mobbing dynamics as a whole. Given the events that have transpired in the last few months, this is a topic that is on everyone’s minds.

Before Stonewall at 730PM in Hyland 2203
Before Stonewall, the documentary about the events leading up to 1969 Stonewall Riots, will be shown. In addition, John Scagliotti, one of the film’s producers, will also be here to talk about the history-making event and the making of the movie.

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