Outreach of Madison – Going to Janesville

OutReach, Madison’s LGBT community center, is looking at establishing a satellite center in Janesville. In order to do this, they’re conducting a needs assessment survey to determine which services would be most useful for the area. What would you like to see in Janesville? Let them know by taking their survey.

They will also be starting a peer discussion group as early as 22 November at the First Christian Church (1909 Highland Avenue, Janesville).

If you have any questions about the group or about the survey, please contact Jocelyn MacAskill, intern at OutReach, at MacAskilJF29@uww.edu.

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.
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