Breaking Barriers

Are you struggling with issues of gender identity and / or sexual orientation? Want some support? We’ve got the group for you.

Breaking Barriers, facilitated by Jackie Shroeder and Hilliary Hanson, Counseling Education practicum counselors, will be held on Mondays from 415-515PM, beginning 15 October [today!]. The location of the group will not be disclosed publicly. Please contact the Winther Counseling Lab reception desk at 262.472.2842 and leave a message with the receptionist. Jackie or Hilliary will return your call and share more detailed information about the group objectives and structure.

Want more information? See the promotional flyer or contact the Winther Counseling Lab at 262.472.2842.

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October 2012 Meeting

We met last Thursday (11 October – NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY!) – here are the highlights:

  • A group of people will be creating a new mission statement for the PB Poorman Pride Resource Center and will be seeking feedback from the task force at the next meeting.
  • Ruth Stradinger joined the meeting to talk about the gender-neutral bathroom signage. After a particularly fun discussion full of toilet humor, it was decided to leave the male / female icons off of the signs.
  • The task force looked at updated materials for Safe Zone and considered ways to incorporate more interactivity. If you have feedback, let us know!

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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September 2012 Meeting

We met last Thursday (13 September) – here are the highlights:

  • It was the first meeting with Cindy Konrad, new LGBT Coordinator, and other new faces on the task force.
  • The task force discussed its goals and priorities, with keeping tabs on the gender-neutral bathrooms and housing, continuing the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence, and monitoring language and visual artifacts on campus the group’s main objectives.
  • Cindy announced that Sean Dorsey Dance [website] will be on campus 29-30 October – mark your calendars to attend the workshops and performance!

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Students on Campuses Across the Country Take on Chick-fil-A

It would appear that there’s something in the chicken. While some would argue that it’s deliciousness, others taste only hate. If you pay any attention to the media, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the issue of Chick-fil-A and their funding of anti-equality organizations [you can guess what mine is]. There have been cities that have made their voices heard, with the mayors of Boston and Chicago informing them of their distaste. Now the Chronicle of Higher Education is reporting that students at some universities are campaigning to get the southern food chain kicked off their campuses.

The question of the day: if we had a Chick-Fil-A in Whitewater, what sort of reaction would you expect from the campus community?

Thanks to Jeff for the article!

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News from UW System

Chris forwarded a few items of note from the UW System LGBTQ listserv:

UW-Milwaukee to Host Consortium Daylong Institute 2012
The Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals is proud to offer this opportunity to higher education professionals in the Great Lakes Region as an opportunity to connect with colleagues across the region, discuss emerging trends in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) student services and share knowledge and struggles regarding specific campus policies.

Friday, July 27, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, July 13, 2012

Are you looking for a job? The following positions are available:

Thanks to Chris for forwarding!

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