Hey, I Know KJ! [You Probably Do Too!]

Campus Pride announced their top ten finalists for the National Voice & Action Leadership Award, and guess what? Our very own Kari Jo Freudigmann has made the cut. How AWESOME is that?

Read the full story: 2013 Voice & Action Award: Top 10 Leaders in Action – Campus Pride

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Not Just LGBT Anymore

Did you see the interesting article in the New York Times about “Generation LGBTQIA”? The article lays out the changing dynamic in the LGBT community and the uprising amongst those that don’t feel represented in the mainstream community. It describes a number of scenarios at universities across the country, the students banding together to project a unified voice, and the measures being taken by the schools to be more inclusive. It seems like we have some of that happening here in Whitewater. Would you agree?

Read the full article: Generation LGBTQIA – New York Times

Thanks to Jeff and Sam for the link!

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Iowa Makes More History

Who knew that our neighbor to the west has set out to be the new liberal mecca of the Midwest? First, same-sex marriage. Now, the University of Iowa has made the groundbreaking change to their admissions application to include specific questions about sexual orientation and gender identity. This makes the university the first public institution to do so, as Elmhurst College in Illinois started the trend last year.

So, Wisconsin. Looks like you’ve got some work to do.

Read the full story on the Chronicle of Higher Education and Campus Pride

Thanks to Cindy for the story!

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Federal Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

A federal appeals court in New York became the nation’s second to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA], finding that the Clinton-era law’s denial of federal benefits to married same-sex couples is unconstitutional…

Continue reading the full article on CNN.com

This is the second ruling of its kind in less than six months, as in May, a federal court in Boston found DOMA to be discriminatory against same-sex couples.

Trying to keep up with the fight for marriage equality? CNN also has a nifty timeline starting with the passage of DOMA.

Thanks to Cindy for the link!

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Sean Dorsey’s Coming to Whitewater

If you haven’t heard the great news, the Young Auditorium will be featuring a performance of The Secret History of Love, the latest work by Sean Dorsey. The modern dance choreographer, based in San Francisco, spent two years interviewing the pioneers of the LGBT movement as inspiration for a performance that has been called “an epic work… powerful, moving, hilarious” and “evocative, often dreamlike.” You can experience it for yourself here in Whitewater on 30 October [Tuesday] at 730PM. Make sure to get your tickets fast, as they’re sure to go soon! Please see the promotional flyer for more information.

And for the LGBTQ community and its allies, Sean Dorsey will be doing a modern dance workshop the day before on 29 October [Monday]. The workshop will take you through basic stretching and dance movement in a safe and supportive environment. It’s open to individuals of all abilities, so don’t miss out! Please see the promotional flyer for more information.

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