Show Your Support for LGBT* Students

Impact and the PB Poorman PRIDE Resource Center will hold an Ally Open House in the Warhawk Connection Center on Wednesday, Apr. 3 from noon-2pm. Stop in, chat with LGBT* and ally students, check out the Pride Center, and have some snacks and desserts. You are welcome to bring your lunch, as well. The Warhawk Connection Center is located on the first floor of the University Center, up the ramps and to the far left of Career and Leadership Development.

The Chancellor’s LGBT* Task Force will hold the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence LGBT* and Ally Graduation and Awards Ceremony on Monday, Apr. 29 from 4:30-6pm in the Fern Young Terrace. Join us to congratulate our graduating students and supportive people and units on campus. We will serve snacks and desserts, and Chancellor Telfer, Provost Kopper, and Kim Simes will share their wisdom with our community. Please RSVP to Cindy Konrad [] no later than Monday, Apr. 15.

We are still accepting nominations for the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence awards. Please submit the nomination form to Cindy Konrad [] no later than Friday, Apr. 5. The form contains a list of the awards.

Thank you for all you do in support of UW-Whitewater’s LGBT* and ally community!

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March Safe Zone Training

UPDATE: The Chancellor’s Task Force on LGBT* Issues will hold a Safe Zone training on Thursday, Mar. 21 from 9-10 am in UC 268. Please join us if you can!

The Chancellor’s Task Force on LGBT* Issues will hold a Safe Zone training this March. The Safe Zone program provides a safe, comfortable setting for members of the campus community to learn about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender* identities and issues. All discussions will be strictly confidential and topics will be addressed in a non-threatening and non-judgmental manner. After the training, attendees have the opportunity to become part of a network of safe and welcoming spaces and people for LGBT* members of the campus community and their allies.

Those who want to participate in Safe Zone training should respond to the March Doodle poll. When enough people have chosen a time in the poll, a training will be scheduled and poll participants and the rest of campus will be contacted with the date and time of training.

Campus offices and departments also may schedule a Safe Zone training specifically for their faculty and staff.

For more information about Safe Zone training or to schedule an office or department training session, contact Cindy Konrad at or at 472-7169.

* No single acronym will capture the diversity of identities related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and their intersections. A sample of related terms includes queer, questioning, genderqueer, pansexual, two-spirit, same gender loving, fluid, intersex, asexual, etc.

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February 2013 Meeting

We met last week (14 February – Valentine’s Day!) – here are the highlights:

  • LaCrosse and Milwaukee have announced plans for gender neutral housing for Fall 2013 [read the stories for UW-L and UW-M]. Terry’s optimistic that Whitewater will join the list for Fall 2014.
  • There’s a LEAP project that is putting together a Diversity Learning Certificate that would encourage student participation in curricular and co-curricular activities. Cindy is part of the team and will share the more official plan as soon as she can.
  • Mark your calendar for upcoming events: movie screenings on 18 March [Monday] and 2 April [Tuesday], as well as the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence on 29 April [Monday].

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes [PDF] if you’d like.

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January 2013 Meeting

We met yesterday (17 January) – the small but mighty group tackled a fun agenda. Here are the highlights:

  • There’s still no movement on the gender neutral housing.
  • There was some discussion on ways to connect supportive faculty and staff with LGBT* students and allies. Ideas include a mixer of sorts and other social events, as well as recruiting faculty and staff at the Involvement Fair.
  • Another topic of discussion was creating a more LGBT*-friendly environment on campus. The creation of informational materials detailing inclusive classroom environments and supporting a change to the UW System application to allow for voluntary disclosure of LGBT* identity among the ideas.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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December 2012 Meeting

We met a little under a month ago (13 December) – here are the highlights:

  • The PB Poorman Pride Resource Center has a new mission and logo!
  • IMPACT has a few events coming up, with MBLGTACC from 8-10 February, the Drag Show for 14 February, and a movie showing [Mosquito Y Mari] on 12 April.
  • Gender-neutral bathrooms and gender-neutral housing are still in holding patterns.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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