January 2012 Meeting

We met Thursday (19 January) – here are the highlights:

  • The Safe Zone materials have been reviewed and should just about be ready to go for the first session of the semester [28 February – 10AM – UC260].
  • Robin shared the great news that Cheryl Kilodavis, the author of My Princess Boy will be coming to campus for the Early Childhood Conference in April. Kyle will make sure that we have the book in the library BEFORE she arrives.
  • The LGBT* Difficult Dialogues for Faculty and Instructional Staff is currently seeking registrants – make sure to reserve your spot by 27 January! Find out more information from the promotional flyer.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Scholarship Opportunity for LGBT Students

It never hurts to get a little financial help to offset the cost of higher education, eh?

“Point Foundation, the nation’s largest scholarship granting organization for LGBT students, is seeking driven scholars who will become the leaders of tomorrow.”

Check out their website for instructions and the applications.

These scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. However, make sure to get on it – applications are due 10 February 2012!

Thanks to Chris for the heads-up!

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December 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (14 December) – here are the highlights:

  • The gender-neutral housing policy has been presented to the Chancellor and waiting for his approval. Terry mentioned that many of the UW System institutions are actively pursuing the option.
  • The LGBT* Difficult Dialogues has been reviewed, and Cindy Anderton is interested in facilitating the program.
  • The Rainbow Celebration of Excellence, a way to honor the LGBT* graduates, has been tentatively set for 26 April. This grew out of a discussion about UW-Oshkosh’s Lavender Graduation.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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News Items for the Week

Just a couple of handy tidbits of information that task force members have come across recently:

  • It seems like the major sports leagues are getting in on all of the non-discrimination fun. The National Basketball Association added sexual orientation to their collective bargaining agreement, following in the footsteps of the Major League Baseball. Go team!
  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a committee opinion this month on the health care of transgender individuals. The Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women stated that the ACOG “opposes discrimination on the basis of gender identity and urges public and private health insurance plans to cover the treatment of gender identity disorder.” Nice work, Committee.

Thanks to Patrick and Cindy for the links!

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2012 Affholder LGBT Leadership Award

The College of Letters & Sciences has announced that they are now accepting applications for the Tom Affholder LGBT Leadership Award for the coming year. Created in honor of Mr. Affholder by an alumnus of the class of 1970, the scholarship seeks to recognize a current student with sophomore, junior or senior status for their demonstrated dedication to the LGBT community on campus. For more information, please see the L&S Scholarship and Awards page to see all available honors.

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