December 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (14 December) – here are the highlights:

  • The gender-neutral housing policy has been presented to the Chancellor and waiting for his approval. Terry mentioned that many of the UW System institutions are actively pursuing the option.
  • The LGBT* Difficult Dialogues has been reviewed, and Cindy Anderton is interested in facilitating the program.
  • The Rainbow Celebration of Excellence, a way to honor the LGBT* graduates, has been tentatively set for 26 April. This grew out of a discussion about UW-Oshkosh’s Lavender Graduation.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.
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