Gay and Gray

On Monday, March 12 at 6:30PM, Seniors in the Park and The Ruby Project, team up to offer an ongoing “Gay and Gray” group. The senior population identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT*) is often overlooked and ignored. As the pioneers in the gay rights movement age, there are few local resources to support them. This self-determined, social and supportive group will offer activities, such as game and movie nights, as well as services, such as workshops and guest speakers.

This Exploratory Meeting welcomes input about social activities, workshops, guest speakers and more. Pizza, snacks and drinks will be provided at 6:30 pm, with the meeting following at 7:00pm. Join in friendly conversation with an appointed facilitator who guides discussions that are informal and open dialogues.

Please RSVP if you will be attending, by calling 262.473.0535. It is not necessary to leave your name just number of people so we have enough food.

The Ruby Project (Janesville) currently offers a variety of supports and services for Janesville and surrounding areas and their mission is to empower and educate our LGBT* community of all ages.

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Rainbow Celebration of Excellence

The Rainbow Celebration of Excellence is a new initiative from the LGBT* Taskforce and the PB Poorman PRIDE Resource Center on behalf of Career & Leadership Development.

This is an opportunity to say CONGRATULATIONS to those who will be graduating this May or coming December. We need your assistance in sharing this information among your membership, colleagues and friends.

  • Do you know someone who is graduating in May 2012 or December 2012? They need to complete an online form so we know which graduates will be joining us on April 26th! Please forward them the link to the online form.
  • Have you, your organization, or department excelled at working with our LGBT* partners on campus? Please disseminate the nomination application information. This is not a difficult nomination process with a simple application and a one page summary of why this person, group, department is worthy of being recognized.

Since this is our first time we are open to all suggestions and want to make this a special event for our students! If you have questions please let us know.

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February 2012 Team TRANS* Meeting

The TEAM Trans* group last Thursday (16 February) – here are the highlights:

  • The group discussed priority items with regarding to trans*-inclusive health care, both from student and staff perspectives.
  • The NCAA policy on transgender athletes was reviewed, and feedback was provided to Amy.
  • The Gender Bread Person program will be run at IMPACT as a test on 20 February, ahead of the actual program on 27 February.

There’s way more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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You Can’t Wear That!

There’s a story brewing in Virginia, where the school board in Suffolk, a town in the southeastern corner of the state, is considering a ban on cross-dressing. Administrators are claiming that wearing clothes “not in keeping with a student’s gender” are “safety risks, disruptions, and distractions.”

I’m with Liz on this one… WOW. If it’s such a problem, then provide a school-issued uniform and make everyone suffer. You know that no one can pull those off.

Read the whole story:
Virginia school district considers ban on cross-dressing —

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Feeling Artistic?

African Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

Asian Americans feel that way about Domestic Violence.

Latino Americans feel like this about Domestic Violence.

Euro-Caucasian Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

Transgender Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

Gay Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

How do you feel about Domestic Violence? The people you know – what do they do about Domestic Violence? What do people think about Domestic Violence? What is the prevalent attitude about Domestic Violence among people you come in contact with? How is this expressed by the people you know? Do you know someone right now who is in a controlling relationship? Do you know someone who is suffering physical or mental or emotional abuse by someone they love or used to love? Have you ever known someone who stayed involved with a person who hurt them? Why do you think people stay in abusive relationships? Have you ever heard of, or know of someone who ended up being killed by a lover, or spouse, or partner? Do different ethnic groups feel differently about Domestic Violence? If so, what are they?

Call to artists: Artists who make art reflecting how the population they “represent” or are a part of, view DOMESTIC VIOLENCE are invited to submit art for consideration in a show featuring art about how Domestic Violence is viewed by diverse populations.

Send images and a 1000 words narrative about how your “people” View Domestic Violence to

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