Feeling Artistic?

African Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

Asian Americans feel that way about Domestic Violence.

Latino Americans feel like this about Domestic Violence.

Euro-Caucasian Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

Transgender Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

Gay Americans feel this way about Domestic Violence.

How do you feel about Domestic Violence? The people you know – what do they do about Domestic Violence? What do people think about Domestic Violence? What is the prevalent attitude about Domestic Violence among people you come in contact with? How is this expressed by the people you know? Do you know someone right now who is in a controlling relationship? Do you know someone who is suffering physical or mental or emotional abuse by someone they love or used to love? Have you ever known someone who stayed involved with a person who hurt them? Why do you think people stay in abusive relationships? Have you ever heard of, or know of someone who ended up being killed by a lover, or spouse, or partner? Do different ethnic groups feel differently about Domestic Violence? If so, what are they?

Call to artists: Artists who make art reflecting how the population they “represent” or are a part of, view DOMESTIC VIOLENCE are invited to submit art for consideration in a show featuring art about how Domestic Violence is viewed by diverse populations.

Send images and a 1000 words narrative about how your “people” View Domestic Violence to contact@urbanartretreat.com.

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.
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