… but words will never hurt me.
Wouldn’t that be great if it were actually true? The fact of the matter is that our words have more impact than we may acknowledge. Some people have developed a thick skin, while others take comments to heart. Part of the Task Force’s charge is to ensure that students, faculty and staff feel safe and welcome on the UWW campus and in Whitewater.
One of the manners in which we seek to achieve this goal is through the SafeZone program. You may have seen the placards in office windows and wondered what exactly that means. The people with the signs have gone through our training, and the placard serves as a public declaration that anyone can feel comfortable approaching the owner to talk to you in confidence. Whether a student comes to you distressed about their changing world or a colleague informs you about possible discrimination, they will know that you will listen without judging them.
Although it is called SafeZone ‘training,’ it is more of an open dialogue about issues that face the LGBT community. We discuss how the words we use in our everyday conversations may inadvertently exclude LGBT individuals, what you can do to make sure that you are being inclusive, as well as a chance to learn about common scenarios in which you can positively display yourself as an open-minded person.
If interested, please come to UC 261 on either October 29 or December 4 from 12-1 PM to participate in the training. No sign-up is necessary. If you would like more information, please contact any member of the LGBT Task Force.