OUT in the Real World

Getting that first job after graduation can be nerve-racking experience. The resumes, the cover letters, making sure everything is perfect down to the last detail. For many LGBTQ grads, the extra stress of their identity comes into play. How do you handle your sexuality or gender identity in the workplace? Do you hide in the closet or do you wear your rainbow on your sleeve (literally or figuratively)? Should you include your involvement in groups like IMPACT on your resume?

The real questions, and many more, are the focus of Out for Work‘s annual conference, which will be held 25-27 September 2009 in Washington, DC. There will be panel discussions, speakers and workshops that center around workplace issues for LGBTQ individuals. There’s even a career fair to network with LGBT-friendly employers! For more information, check out the conference website.

I know that Whitewater students have attended this conference in the past and really found the experience to be well worth it!

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.
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One Response to OUT in the Real World

  1. Laura says:

    You bet your ass I’ll be putting IMPACT on my resume 🙂

    It is illegal to discriminate in Wisconsin but unfortunately people in other states are not as lucky.

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