Category Archives: LGBT issues

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones…

… but words will never hurt me. Wouldn’t that be great if it were actually true? The fact of the matter is that our words have more impact than we may acknowledge. Some people have developed a thick skin, while … Continue reading

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LGBT Youth & Suicide

A number of studies have been done with regard to the prevalence of suicide amongst LGBT youth when compared to their heterosexual counterparts, which may suggest that LGBT youth are more prone to ending their own lives prematurely.1 The Greater … Continue reading

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Inform Yourself!

They say knowledge is power. How you do gain knowledge? From information, whether it comes from books, the interwebs, or talking with other people. Well, when I think about getting a hold of information, I think of the library. Yes, … Continue reading

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Oral History Projects

Oral histories have been a way to capture the past passed down from generation to generation. Many family histories never make it into published form, and word of mouth serves as the vehicle for remembering days gone by. In the … Continue reading

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California or Bust… Again

As long as you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that same-sex couples can now be legally married not only in Massachusetts, but also California. Just how many marriage licenses have been issued since the ruling took effect … Continue reading

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