Category Archives: LGBT issues

Call for Participation in Dissertation Research

Charity Chandler, a doctoral student from UW-Madison would like to invite participation in a research study that examines faculty perceptions of the effects of campus climate on the recruitment and retention of gay and lesbian faculty at a public comprehensive … Continue reading

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Task Force Mailbag – March 18

I’m telling you – the task force makes my job so easy because they send in all of this great stuff. It means that we get that much more coverage with that many more eyes and ears out for equality. … Continue reading

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LGBT* Difficult Dialogues

Would you like to have a better understanding about how to meet the needs of LGBT students on campus? Do you want to feel more comfortable discussing difficult topics regarding sexuality and gender identity? Have you had these topics come … Continue reading

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LGBT – Yes or No?

Keeping any sort of statistics on numbers on LGBT students, or the community as a whole, can prove to be a monumental task, given that it requires that individuals self-identify, in other words, come out. While we could potentially estimate … Continue reading

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Top Ten LGBT-Friendly Schools

The Huffington Post has a slideshow today featuring the top ten most LGBT-friendly colleges in the US, according to the Princeton Review. Sadly, we didn’t make the list, but now we’ve got a goal! Kudos to UW-Madison on making the … Continue reading

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