Category Archives: minutes

June 2011 TEAM Trans* Meeting

The TEAM Trans* group met last Wednesday (29 June) – here are the highlights: The group discussed possibilities for the signage outside of the gender-neutral bathrooms, as well as informational posters inside all restrooms about the locations of such restrooms … Continue reading

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June 2011 Meeting

We met yesterday (8 June) – here are the highlights: Karen Fisher from the Center for Students with Disabilities presented her digital story about her child coming out to her. We hope to be able to share it with everyone … Continue reading

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May 2011 Meeting

We met yesterday (11 May) – here are the highlights: Those that participated in the workshop last week shared their thoughts and reactions – overall, huge breakthroughs been made! HUGE thanks to Lauren Smith, Brent Bilodeau, Kim Simes and Jim … Continue reading

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April 2011 Meetings

We met last Wednesday (13 April) – here are the highlights: There’s going to be an excellent workshop on LGBT issues on 6-7 May – e-mail Lauren Smith if interested in participating. The job description and rationale for the proposed … Continue reading

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March 2011 Meeting

We met Wednesday (9 March) – here are the highlights: The final Safe Zone training of the semester will be on 21 April [1230PM in UC260]. The task force discussed the excellent work of the subcommittee on the job description … Continue reading

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