Category Archives: minutes

January 2012 Team TRANS* Meeting

The TEAM Trans* group last Thursday (26 January) – here are the highlights: The group discussed the Awareness Through Performance project at UW-La Crosse, which is a theatrical production based on social justice issues. The social norming poster campaign is … Continue reading

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January 2012 Meeting

We met Thursday (19 January) – here are the highlights: The Safe Zone materials have been reviewed and should just about be ready to go for the first session of the semester [28 February – 10AM – UC260]. Robin shared … Continue reading

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December 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (14 December) – here are the highlights: The gender-neutral housing policy has been presented to the Chancellor and waiting for his approval. Terry mentioned that many of the UW System institutions are actively pursuing the option. … Continue reading

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November 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (9 November) – here are the highlights: The Task Force will meet on the second Thursday at 9AM, beginning in the spring semester. The dates are 19 January, 9 February, 15 March, 12 April, and 17 … Continue reading

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October 2011 TEAM Trans* Meeting

The TEAM Trans* group last Wednesday (26 October) – here are the highlights: Gender-neutral housing continues to be moving forward, as long as it’s cleared with UW-System policy. The group has been working on an audit of application forms for … Continue reading

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