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This movie is on Netflix and will be watched there.


Next is a movie with Nicolas cage so it’s bound to be at least an entertaining movie. Like everything I’ve watched I know practically nothing about this movie, but I have seen another nick cage science fiction movie namely “Knowing”. If that movie is anything like that it will at least be watchable. Nick cage is one of the celebrities that I don’t really like, but I never dislike. He just has this weird charm where I respect what he’s doing, but I don’t want him anywhere near me. I want to assume that he’s completely different from the roles that he plays, but I heard that he thinks that watching his pet octopus makes him a better actor. I mean I’m not an actor, so I have no idea if that actually does anything for him. All I’m just saying that that’s not the most normal thing for a person to do.

“Las Vegas magician Cris can see a few minutes into the future and an FBI agent wants his help thwarting a nuclear attack.” There are a few thing’s I want to point out: firstly spelling Chris without the “h” is actually physically painful for me to type, secondly I don’t think that the ability to see a couple of minutes into the future would be enough to stop a nuclear attack. A few minutes is not much time but I have a feeling this movie going to make it somehow a viable solution to disarming a nuclear weapon.

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