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Wades Book review: 1776

By Hunter Wade | January 25, 2023

A man among men.

If you google any list of the most influential Americans: George Washington appears. A name every baby born in America ought to know. And why do we worship such a rich, slave-owner? It’s dangerous to idolized one man, for one man doesn’t turn the wheels of history, but George Washington comes damn close.

When I reflect on important American historical figures, I think of Malcom X, who denounced the civil rights movement for being too white, and John F. Kennedy, who spoke of a peaceful world and who may have died at the hands of the US government, and Eugene Debs who spoke for the working class and those in prison. What does all these men have in common with George Washington? An appetite for greatness.

In an age of isolation, polarization, and anxiety. We need better role models. Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump won’t save you.

1776 by David Burke portrays Washington as a True American Hero.

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