As you may be aware, our current UW System contract with Blackboard for their Collaborate tool will expire June 30, 2017. As a result, we are preparing for a potential Request for Proposal (RFP) for a web-based, real-time collaboration tool to support teaching and learning.
UW System is now in the requirements gathering phase, with the goal of obtaining input from all UW institutions to ensure instructional needs for collaboration are identified. While no single tool is likely to support all instructional needs, the information you provide via this survey will be used to inform user stories and identify requirements.
The survey requires approximately 15 minutes to complete. The information in this study will be used only for internal purposes and your responses are anonymous.
Please provide your input into the requirements gathering process by completing the survey above by October 10, 2016. Thank you for your input in this important project!
If you have questions about this feel free to contact us: